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Twin 'lakes' and a rink on L. Hancock Road, 26 Dec 2017

2017-12-27 - Adair County, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener,
It appeared that most residents were going right through the twin 'lakes' left over from the heavy rains earlier, but we didn't try it. The water appeared to be only about six inches deep in the nearer pool in the road. Though only Billy Joe Fudge telemetrics were used to guess the more distant one; the nearer one was measured from its western shore. At mid morning, there was only a bit of ice on the 'rink' at left, and we wondered if anyone, in fact, had ever used the pond created with each flood cycle for ice skating, and if anyone had used the hill from which the photo is taken as a sky slope, when Burton Ridge blizzards occur.. We wondered if the pools left each overflow have names, and if they are permanent on for the moment. So we named them - for our own family speak - the nearer one, Lake Murrell," and Karen Lake the other. On a pragmatic matter: We wondered if any armchair engineer has come up with an elegant solution to make this passage through this most scenic hollow an all seasons crossing? The professionals may need help, but some idea from the public might be better than that credentialed road builders have thought of yet, and might be more cost effective in the long run. The location where we took the Paired photo, turned upside down in deference to art, was from the drier side of "Lake Murrell." - EW/LW

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