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Primary Election Secret: How Lisa won

2014-06-18 - 75 Oak Grove Road, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener. Looking through iPhoto files I came across this picture from the primary election campaign taken after Hood Lodge held its Meet-and-Greet Pancake Breakfast, and it was a reminder of Lisa Greer's campaign secret in her successful bid for the Republican nomination for Adair County Court Clerk: husband Phillip Greer. Lisa Greer used old fashioned person-to-person campaigning, in the tradition of Bob White and Joyce Rodgers. Door-to-door, one-on-one meetings. She gave Phillip credit for encouraging her. When she'd leave the couple's pickup to head for a door and then retreat, Phillip would roll down the window and tell her, "Get on back up there. That dog isn't going to bite!" and Greer's resolve would return. Every candidate needs a spouse like that. Fortunately - and unlike many other candidates over the years - Greer never got bit. And won - also thanks to receiving more than her margin of victory in her hometown, Knifley. The other cool dude in the photo is the peripatetic parson, who seems to turn up everywhere anything is happening in South Central Kentucky, Bro. Paul Patton, a walking history book, who was there packing more history about Hood Lodge in his head than most people have written down. Bro. Patton is pastor (and a distant cousin of Lisa Greer's) of one of Columbia's largest congregations, Egypt Christian Church. Lisa Greer faces Democrat Veronica Mouser in the fall. Philiip Greer will assume his "Driving Miss Daisy," as he tells everyone, when the time is right, before the election- EW

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