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Epicurean Kentuckian in Chicago, IL:
In the Quest for Perfect Hotdog

2010-09-13 - Photo by Pen. Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois
Pen snapped this street scene of Portillo's Hotdogs in Chicago, a mecca for many who think this is the ultimate source of the ultimate hotdogs. However, the EK can make no definitive judgment, since the top EK hotdog critics, Graham and Evan were back in Kentucky taking care of maternal grandparents. A note: There are cracks in the armor of the once belief by Chicagoans that the only real hotdogs come from Chicago. Hotdogs made with Vienna Beef wieners and covered with a Salad Bar. Hotdogs with Neon??? green relish. One respected Chicagoan, who broke the earthly bonds of this parochial chauvinism, claims that the best hotdogs in the word, "Are from street vendors in New York City!" (!!!!) "On a bun, with just mustard." This is the kind of Illinois heresy which could earn an Illinois fatwa; so the source shall never be revealed. However, this story is so similar to the moral of Russell Conwell's Acres of Diamonds: The greatest hotdog of all is rotchere, right where we live, in Adair County, KY, created by the culinary genius, the late Merle Reed. But not to bragg. Adair County has so many superlatives. Chicago only the hotdog thing. It doesn't seem courteous for us to claim that, too. -EW

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