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Western Bypass from 24,000 feet, 13 minutes from Lexington

2007-06-28 - Really quite high over Columbia, KY - Photo By Doug Campbell. Doug Campbell fearless flyer and son of Adair County aviation pioneer Michael Campbell, took this picture of the Western Bypass while flying from Red Stick, LA, to Lexington, KY. It shows the dirt work already completed as of June 27, 2007, and just how far along the construction of the Bypass really is. In the left hand of the photo is the intersection with Campbellsville Road. Counterclockwise, from Campbellsville Road, the Bypass goes through the Henson Farms Russell Creek Bottoms, north of Long Hunters (just at the top of the cloud puff, then across Pelham Branch Road, through the old Cundiff Farm, with the next structure ACES, the next ACHS, then at the elbow in the bottom of the photo, the sharp turn, is between the Adair County Schools Campus and Greensburg Street/Hudson Street Y, then by the Columbia Baptist Church Christian Life Center running roughly with West Walker Road then meeting Westwood Drive and crossing new and old KY 61. The top segment of excavation through Dr. Ben Arnold's farm, to just across the Louie B. Nunn. Folks who have asked about the excavation on the south side of the LBN near mile marker 49, wondering if it would be an information center or a Glass House Restaurant can see that it is, in fact, a part of the Western Bypass. The road would continue to this point to complete the "fishhook," southward to the intersection of KY 55 and Industrial Road. The diamond just left of the right hand limit of the dirt work is Exit 49 on the Louie B. Nunn Parkway. Following the LBN to the right, westward, a glimpse of some of the site work on the Danny Pyes Excavating Co. portion of the old Holladay Place farm can be seen. Columbia-Adair County Airport cannot be seen in the photo, but Pilot Doug Campbell notes that his jet could not have landed there at this time, and notes the need to extend the runway there. The runway is presently the second shortest in Kentucky. Campbell is owner of Columbia's Catfish Plus. "When I'm not flying, I'm frying, he says.
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