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Kimberly McAllister Downs, 43, Adair County, KY (1973-2017)

She was a faithful member of Purdy Separate Baptist Church, where she played the piano for over 30 years. She was a beloved 1st grade teacher at Colonel William Casey for 16 years and at the Adair County Primary Center for 3 years. She was a member of KAPE and the NEA. In 2015, she was selected as the Columbia/Adair County Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year. Kim enjoyed watching her kids play ball and other activities in which they were involved. She loved going to the beach with her family. Above all, she carried on the proud tradition her families, a tradition of strong character, devout faith, love of family and community, and selfless service to others. She was the daughter of Lonnie & Arlene McAllister, who survive, and the wife Chris Downs, who also survives. She leaves three children, sons Easton and Grayson Bryce, and daughter McKenna Christin Downs to carry on her legacy.
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Kimberly Downs, age 43, of Columbia, KY, passed away Wednesday May 3, 2017 at 10:23amCT at her home after several months' illness.

Funeral services will be Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 1pmCT, at Purdy Separate Baptist Church, 8004 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY, with Bro. Jamie Bryant, Bro. Craig Huddleston and Bro. Junior Holmes the officiating clergy. Interment will be in Haven Hill Cemetery, 1276 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY. Visitation will be Friday May 5, 2017 after 10:30amCT, at the Purdy Separate Baptist Church.

Kimberly Downs, 43, Adair County, KY (1973-2017)

She was born Friday, December 21, 1973 in Campbellsville, Taylor County, KY. She was the daughter of Lonnie & Arlene McAllister of Columbia, KY, who survive. She died Wednesday, May 3, 2017, in Columbia, Adair County, KY, at the age of 43 years, four months, and 12 days.

In addition to her parents, she is survived by:
  • Her husband: Chris Downs of Columbia, KY

  • Two sons: Easton Christopher Downs and Grayson McBryce Downs

  • One daughter: McKenna Christin Downs

  • One brother: Andy McAllister of Columbia, KY

  • Father-in-law & mother-in-law: Mike & Elaine Downs of Columbia, KY

  • One brother-in-law: Josh Downs of Columbia, KY

  • A special friend: Pam Phipps

  • Several aunts, uncles and a host of other family and friends
Kim was a faithful member of Purdy Separate Baptist Church, she played the piano for over 30 years; she was a beloved 1st grade teacher at Colonel William Casey for 16 years and at the Adair County Primary Center for 3 years. She was a member of KAPE and the NEA. Kim enjoyed watching her kids play ball and other activities they were involved in. She loved going to the beach with her family.

Send condolences to the family of Kimberly McAllister Downs

Donations are suggested to be made to the Bull Run Charity Musicfest and can be left at the church, at Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home or be mailed to c/o Easton Bryant 3058 Campbellsville Rd., Columbia, KY 42728.

Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home, 210 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY, is in charge of funeral arrangements.

This story was posted on 2017-05-04 12:27:25
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Grissom-Martin Funeral Home
Located one block off the Square at 200 Campbellsville Street in Columbia, KY.
To reach David and Cathy Martin, phone (270)-384-2149, or e-mail:
Large enough to serve comfortably; Small enough to serve personally.

G & G Monuments
Todd and Mandi Green and Jared Conover
1670 Liberty Road, Columbia, KY. email:, 270-634-0359
First Quality Marble and Granite

Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home
Established 1922 | 210 Greensburg St., Columbia, KY 42728 | Jeff Jessie, Owner
270-384-2145,, email

Kim Downs, 42, beloved Adair Co. teacher (d. 03 May 2017)

2017-05-03 - 210 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY - Photo from Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home.

Kimberly McAllister Downs, 43, Adair County, KY (1973-2017)

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Unforgettable Kimberly Downs - 2015 Educator of the Year

2017-05-04 - Roberta D. Cranmer Dining Center, 430 Helen Flatt Drive, Columbia, KY - Photo Linda Waggener, (c) File photo.
A Great, Never-to-be-forgotten teacher, Kimberly McAllister Downs (1973-2017), seated above, had just been named the 2015 Columbia/Adair County Chamber of Commerce Educator of the year when this photo was taken in April 2015, barely over two year ago and the capition read: She was introduced by Pam Phipps, left, and Sarah Burton, center. At right are Chamber President Ellen Zornes and Chamber Executive Director Sue Stivers. In the introduction Sarah said, "There are good teachers and great teachers and this year's recipient is a great teacher -- one who cares about the whole child, not just test scores. She has exceeded expectations for 20 years. If a child needs a coat, shoes or a backpack, she gives it. If they need love, smiles and words of encouragement, she gives them. We are blessed to call her our partner, mentor and friend. With great love, respect and admiration we present this award to Ms. Kim Downs."

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