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Columbia City Council Meeting 5 Dec 2016 - Report

In last night's December regular City Council meeting:
  • Farmers Market on the Square is moving to City Parking Lot
  • Long time City Council Member Charles Grimsley praised for service to Columbia
  • Mayor Hardwick recommends, council unananimously approves approintment of Sharon Payne to Lake Cumberland ADD board
  • City hears 1st reading on amending zoning regulations, zoning map changes for new apartment complex on Hurt Street
  • Minutes approved
  • Chamber of Commerce, Police, Street Department, community praised for the hugely successful 2016 Christmas in Columbia
  • Newly re-elected Council and new member Pam Hoots take oath of office following regular session

Click on headline for complete report with photo(s)

By Ed Waggener

In a surprise announcement to the City Council during the citizens comments period of the December meeting, Barbara Armitage said she had been in discussion with the mayor and city clerk and a decision had been made that the Farmers Market on the Square would move from their site in front of the Adair County Courthouse Annex to the City owned parking lot at the corner of Merchant & Campbellsville Streets across from City Hall.

She said growth would be much more possible in the new location and parking would be improved. Accompanying her were Adair County Garden Club President Donna Jones, FM chief buyer, and Wayne Armitage.

Details of the arrangement between the City and the farmers market were not given, but are expected to be available later.

Charles Grimsley, long serving Council Member honored

City Police Chief Jason Cross came before the Council to present a thank you to retiring city councilmember Charles Grimsley. He said that in all the years he had been chief Charles had been a supporter and positive influence on the town and on law enforcement.

Mayor's Announcements

Mayor Curtis Hardwick said he appreciated Charles for his years of service and his good works.

He recommended the apppointment of Sharon Payne to serve on the Lake Cumberland Area Development District for a full term. On a motion by Council Member Ronald Rogers, with a second by Craig Dean, the appointment was unanimously approved, with Council Members Charles Grimsley, Linda Waggener, Craig Lasley, Ronald Rogers, Craig Dean, and Mark Harris affirming on a voice vote.

Mayor Hardwick asked for Council Comments, starting with Craig Dean.

Council Comments

Craig Dean said, "14 years ago, Charles was my encourager. Had it not been for him I'd probably never have run for City Council. The first time he asked me to think about running, I didn't follow through. He brought it up again two years later and reminded me to put my money where my mouth was," Dean said. "We don't get to complain if we aren't willing to get involved. I appreciate him very much for that."

Linda Waggener said, "I'm so proud to have worked with Charles and look forward to you coming back to future meetings as you are in town to help guide us. I envy North Carolina for stealing you from Columbia, and know you'll be great if you run for office there." She also noted the huge success of the 2016 Christmas in Columbia, saying, "I'd also like to brag on everyone who worked with Christmas In Columbia. It was a wonderful celebration," adding, "And I'd like to say 'Merry Christmas!' to everyone."

Craig Lasley said, "I'd also like to echo the thanks to Charles. I've only been here two years but it's been an honor to serve with you. You've taught me a lot by example and I want to thank you for all you've done," he said, directing his comments to Council Member Grimsley.

Ronald Rogers: "I also echo the thanks to Charles. He has been community minded in everything he's done. I'm proud to have served here beside him. A couple of other things: Donnie (Donnie Rowe, Columbia Sanitation Department Superintendent) and the crew have done a great job with Christmas lights and I want to say kudos to the Chamber of Commerce. Every year they put on Christmas in Columbia and it takes a huge amount of work. You have to coordinate and manage people on horses and in vehicles and on floats and it's a huge amount of work. A lot of people think this city does that or that it just happens, but it's the Chamber - and they do a great job. I'd like to thank the Chamber from the bottom of my heart. I'd like to thank the City and the police force that does excellent work in managing crowd control; they are always there. And I'd like to wish everyone a merry Christmas."

Charles Grimsley: You know I'd have to say something about street lights and poles. We have a request for a light on Lee Street and I think we have a new candidate for board member on the Parks and Rec board, Barbara Shepherd. I've been on the city Council through four administrations, four mayors -- Curtis Hardwick, Pat Bell, Mark Harris and now Curtis again, and I just want to say how much I appreciate all the people that I've been able to work with. I believe that if you have the ability to do something to help out, you should. I have loved working with the police department, mayor, council, street department, all of the city employees. Thanks to everyone.

Mark Harris: "Mayor, you're going to have to quit making me last, everyone has said the good things before my turn comes. We've had a lot going on in our community lately and I have appreciated what everyone is doing - and farmers market - it will be great to be able to walk a block from home and be right there. Appreciate everybody's hard work on the parade. Talking about Charles Grimsley, you can't say too many good things about him. The way I judge a man is by how he treats others. I have seen him, in every case, treat every individual with respect. We ran against each other for mayor and I kind of regret running because I'd like to have seen you as mayor. You've always been good to me and I appreciate you. Just don't come back wearing one of those ugly Tar Heel shirts.

Other City Official Comments

City Clerk Rhonda Loy and City Attorney Marshall Loy both said it had been a privilege working with Charles and that he will be missed.

The motion to adjourn was made by Charles Grimsley with a round of seconds from all.

The new council was sworn in after the meeting ended, at 6:27pmCT, with Pam Hoots joining the incumbents who were re-elected, Craig Dean, Linda Waggener, Craig Lasley, Ronald Rogers, and Mark D. Harris.

In other action

The City routinely approved minutes of of the November 7, 2016 regular session and had a first reading of an ordinance relating to rezoning updates the official city zoning districts map to reflect changes necessary for the apartment complex on Hurt Street. No action was necessary on the first reading.

Good crowd in attendance

Those present included, in addition to the Mayor, Council, and previously mentioned city attorney and city clerk and previously mention participants, members of the media, and Columbia Police Sgt. Junior Murphy and Ofc. Josh Brockman, and Holly Grimsley, wife of Council Member Charles Grimsley.
COLUMBlA CITY COUNCIL holds its regular monthly meeting each first Monday at 6pmCT in City Hall, 116 Campbellsville ST, Columbia, KY. The meetings are open to the public. Mayor Curtis Hardwick. Councillors Craig Dean, Linda Waggener, Dr. Ron Rogers, Charles Grimsley, Craig Lasley, and Mark Harris. City Clerk Rhonda Loy. City Attorney Marshall Loy. City Police Chief Jason Cross. City Gas Superintendent Ron Cook. City Sanitation Department Superintendent O'Shaughnesy Frazier. City Street Department Superintendent Donnie Rowe.

This story was posted on 2016-12-06 08:20:03
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Charles Grimsley showered with accolades as he leaves office

2016-12-06 - City Hall, 116 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener, (c).
City Council Member Charles Grimsley was honored by all members of the City Council at the last regular meeting of City Council and was given a token of appreciation presented on behalf of the Columbia Police Department by Chief Jason Cross - a gift certificate from Bass Pro Shops - above, who said that in all the years Council Member Grimsley had been a supporter and positive influence on the town and law enforcement. Chief Cross' sentiments were echoed by Mayor Hardwick, by each of the other council members - Craig Dean, Linda Waggener, Craig Lasley, Ronald Rogers, and Mark Harris, and City Clerk Rhonda Loy and City Attorney Marshall Loy. Mr. Grimsley chose not to seek re-election this year. He has leased Grimsley Jewelry and is moving to North Carolina.

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Seriously, none of them have fought a duel, or acted as second

2016-12-06 - City Hall, 116 Campbellsville Street, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener, (c).
Mayor Curtis Hardwick administered the oath of office to the newly re-elected members and newly elected member of the Columbia City Council following the brief December 05, 2016 regular session. They are, from left, Ronald Rogers, newly elected member and former Columbia Mayor Pam Hoots, Craig Dean, Mark Harris, Linda Waggener, and Craig Lasley. At this point in the ceremony Mayor Hardwick was reading many Kentuckians favorite part of the oath, which reads, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and be faithful and true to the Commonwealth of Kentucky so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully execute, to the best of my ability, the office of .... according to law; and I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that since the adoption of the present Constitution, I, being a citizen of this State, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I acted as second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending, so help me God." The new two year terms begin January 1, 2017.

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