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LWC Student wins Purposeful Networks National Service Award

By Mariah Stearns

Lindsey Wilson College sophomore Autumn Bishop of Brooksville, KY, was recently awarded with the Purposeful Networks Student Service Award. Bishop was one of two students to receive this prestigious honor.

Autumn Bishop, along with Kara Detty of the University of Cincinnati, received the Student Service Awards for excellence in leadership and impactful commitment through volunteerism on college campuses.

Purposeful Networks is a national program that partners with people, projects and organizations who are working to make a positive impact in their community and in the world. Students from 50 colleges and universities were invited to submit a service profile to be considered for the award.

"Autumn and Kara have each developed creative paths to raise awareness and activate, engage and lead other students to become committed citizens through volunteerism and community actions," said Kristine Sturgeon, President of Purposeful Networks.

Bishop, a psychophysiology and human services & counseling sophomore is already involved on Lindsey Wilson's campus.

She is a Bonner Scholar, third chair of the college republicans, chief of staff for student government association, a pre-medical club member, the residence hall association secretary, a peer mentor, and a resident assistant.

In addition to her campus activities, Bishop has also contributed over 430 hours of service.

Bishop says she encourages everyone to get involved in service on campus, specifically service-driven programs like LWC's Bonner Scholars.

"I didn't think my love for volunteering could get any stronger until I started serving through the Lindsey Wilson Bonner program." said Bishop, "This program has allowed me to experience so many great opportunities both on a professional and personal level."

Those interested in getting involved in Lindsey Wilson's Bonner program can contact the Director of Civic Engagement and Student Leadership, Amy Thompson-Wells, at or 270-384-8689. For more information about Purposeful Networks, whose website is

Mariah Stearns is a writer in the Public Relations Department at Lindsey Wilson College

This story was posted on 2016-07-25 12:14:49
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LWC's Autumn Bishop, Brooksville, KY, wins prestigious award

2016-07-25 - Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, KY - Photo from Mariah Stearns, Lindsey Wilson College PR Department.
Lindsey Wilson College sophomore Autumn Bishop of Brooksville, KY, was recently awarded the Purposeful Networks Student Service Award. Bishop was one of two students to receive this prestigious honor. - Mariah Stearns

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