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Memorial Day--Decoration Day (Part 1 of 2) An informative excerpt from the upcoming book The Veterans of Adair County, a historical reference work scheduled to be published within the next year. Click headline for full article, with huge list of Adair County Civil War soldiers. Due to the length of the list, it will be published in 2 parts. This article is part 1 of 2, A through H. Click for: Memorial Day--Decoration Day (Part 2 of 2, I-Y) By Michael C. Watson Decoration Day in the United States was born out of the devastation of the Civil War. During this 'darkest of times' our nation suffered in every possible way. Millions sacrificed in various ways, more than half a million men and some women made the ultimate sacrifice, giving their lives to the cause. Even before the war ended there were some communities across the nation that paid tribute to these fallen by decorating their graves with flowers and flags. By 1868 the new-born custom of visiting the graves of the fallen had become something of a ritual, and grew with each passing year. Decoration Day now Memorial Day has become a general day of remembrance for all our dead. With the observance of the day more than a century ago, families began to decorate the graves of all their departed, whether veteran or not. Today we continue this observance. Southerners in particular make the pilgrimage to family cemeteries, often far from their current abode, to honor kinsmen with floral tributes and placement of flags for veterans. This day became a time of reunion for families and friends who, a century ago and since, may not have seen each other since the last observance. God Bless those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in time of conflict. The long list that follows is of those men who died during the Civil War from disease or in action. They each had a strong connection to Adair County. In large part, these men either resided in Adair County or were born here. Many, many others served to return home. This is a small list from a greater work, The Veterans of Adair County, which is a massive work that will be published within the next year. Adair County Civil War Soldiers Who died while in service (A-H) Aaron, Nathaniel, private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 12 August 1861, age 25, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 18 May 1862, St. Louis, Missouri; born 8 May 1836 according to Bible; married Mary E. McFarland in Adair County 2 November 1859; had two children: Ann Elizabeth and Nathaniel Henry Washington; widow remarried to James S. Nicholson and resided in Clark County, IL in 1865; widow filed for pension in 1863. Nathaniel Aaron, age 25, born Adair, school teacher, with family in 1860 Adair census. Acree, William C., -AG and Service Record have Acre, private, Battery B, 1 KY Light Artillery, enrolled 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 17, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; captured at Murfreesboro, TN 13 July 1862, paroled Warren County, TN 15 July 1862; died 19 May 1864 in field hospital at Chattanooga, TN; physical description from military death record: resident of Adair County, single, died of phthisis, age 18, born KY. William Acree, age 17, farm laborer, born KY, in household of Green B. & Nancy Acree in 1860 Adair census. Allen, A. Porter, Lieutenant, enrolled as private, Company I, 2 KY Cavalry, Duke's Cavalry, enlisted 1 September 1862 Columbia, Adair County; captured on Crocus Creek in Cumberland County 1 July 1863, transferred to Camp Chase, Ohio, then to Johnson Island; "died and was buried on the Island Oct 24/63"; died with dysentery. Banks, Jacob W., Sergeant, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled as private 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 22, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; appointed Corporal 1 May 1862, promoted to Sergeant 31 October 1862; detailed on recruiting service as of January 1863; wounded in both legs at Chickamauga 19 or 20 September 1863; captured and held at Andersonville Prison; was aboard the Sultana when she sank, died in General Hospital at Memphis, TN 29 April 1865 "being scalded very extremely." Jacob W. Banks, age 21, born KY, in household of George L. Banks (age 25) in 1860 Adair census. Barnes, James R., Private, Company E, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 17 August 1861, age 22, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, died 17 January 1862 Columbia, Adair County, with fever; buried Sexton Cemetery, Price's Creek Road, Adair County, military marker; father filed for pension in 1879. [James Barnes, age 25, born Adair, blacksmith, in household of William and Nancy Barnes in 1860 Adair census; James R. Barnes, age 25, born KY, wagon maker, in household of Flemmon Mills in 1860 Metcalfe County census--same man?; J.R. Barnes, age 16, born KY, household of William and Nancy Barnes in 1850 Adair census.] Bault, William A., private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 27, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 4 August 1863 of bilious fever in hospital at Hillsboro, TN; married Sarah E. Kirtley 21 July 1861 in Adair, no issue; widow applied for pension 1863. William Bault, age 26, born KY, in same household as Norman R. & Christopher C. Christie in 1860 Adair census. Bradshaw, Aaron W., private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 18861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 20, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 20 October 1861 with typhoid at Bryantsville, KY. Bradshaw, Alban D., 1st Lieutenant, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled (then Capt. McKee's Company, 1 KY Volunteers) as Corporal 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 20, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; promoted to Sergeant 1 May 1862; promoted to 1st Sergeant 31 October 1862; promoted to 2nd Lieutenant 21 February 1863, age 22; appointed 1st Lieutenant 4 May 1863, commissioned 5 May; mortally wounded at Battle of Chickamauga on 20 September 1863 while in command of Company "I", died of wounds received on 8 October 1863 at Chattanooga-- commanded Company "I" from 30 July 1863 to 20 September 1863 by order of Col. H.C. Dunlap. Wounded in right hip. Bradshaw, Frank, private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 4 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 17, born Adair County, 5 feet 2 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer/laborer, master Asure Bradshaw of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 14 May 1865 with typhoid fever in U.S. Floating General Hospital, Ohio at New Albany, Indiana; from Record of Death and Interment: before enlistment resided "Deyre Co. KY", single, age "16". Statement of Asure Bradshaw in Service Record: "I owned his mother and he was born mine and I raised him and owned him from the time of his birth up to the time of his enlistment..." Bradshaw, Seth J., Sergeant, Company D, 5 KY Cavalry, enrolled as Corporal 5 October 1861 Burkesville, Cumberland County, age 39, mustered 31 March 1862 Camp Sandidge, Sumner County, TN; purchased his own horse and equipment; captured in battle at Gallatin, TN and paroled 21 August 1862; appeared on roll as Sergeant in June 1863; died of acute dysentery 21 or 27 September 1864 at Camp Crook, Georgia; widow applied for pension in 1865. Breeding, David C., private, Company C, 6 Mounted Infantry Infantry, enlisted 20 September 1861 Cave City, KY for 12 months service; mortally wounded at Shiloh 7 April 1862, fell into enemy hands and died at Cincinnati, Ohio. Bridgewater, Robert, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, muster 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 21, born Adair County, 5 feet 41/2 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner Henry Bridgewater of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died in post hospital, Cairo, Illinois, 18 March 1866 of small pox. Brockman, Dominicus C., Corporal, Company G, 12 KY Infantry, enrolled 15 October 1861 Camp Hoskins, Pulaski County, age 20; absent sick at muster of company; died 1 February 1862 at Somerset, KY of disease; "D.C. Brockman, Co C, 12 KY Inf" buried Ragan Cemetery, Adair-Russell County line. Bryant, Daniel M., private, Company F, 4 KY Mounted Infantry, enrolled 20 August or 14 September 1861 Camp Burnett, TN, age 27, for three years or duration; wounded at Chickamauga 20 September 1863 and died same day; body removed to Frankfort Cemetery, one source says this was in the 1880s. Bryant, John, Service Record filed as Briant, private, Company B, 7 MO State Militia Cavalry, enrolled 22 July 1863 Warsaw, MO, age __, mustered 24 August 1863 Sedalia, MO; died 7 March 1864 at U.S. General Hospital at Jefferson City, MO with congestion of the brain; physical description from military death record: born Adair County, KY, age 28, 5 feet 7 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, farmer, effects to be given to Sarah M. Briant, his wife. Bryant, Junius C., private Company C, 27 KY Infantry, enrolled 12 October 1861 Campbellsville, Taylor County; never mustered; died with typhoid 5 or 16 December 1861 Campbellsville; age 17, born and reared in Adair County, son of Charles and Harriet Briant; mother filed for pension in 1884, father later filed. Burgess, William Moses, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 2 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 36, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; on detached duty to drive brigade wagon as of February 1862; died 17/18 February 1863 Munfordville with fever; married Lucinda Grimes in Adair County in 1847; widow pensioned, filed claim in 1863, resided Davis County, Iowa. Burk, Henry, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 2 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 20, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 28 January 1864 in hospital at Knoxville, TN with fever; physical description: born Tenn, age "27", 5 feet 91/2 inches, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer; son of Thomas and Polly Burk of Wayne County, mother pensioned, filed in 1866; father died in 1862. Burk, John, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 26 August 1863 Jamestown, TN, age 30/31, mustered 1 October 1863 Louden, TN; died 18 May 1864 in hospital Louisville with fever; physical description: born Tenn, age "28", 5 feet 10 inches, dark complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. Calhoun, James N., -AG has James N., Service Record filed as James M., but also found in SR as James N., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 2 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 18, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died with fever 20 January 1863 Munfordville, KY; mother filed for pension 1879. Cheatham, Marion, private, Company K, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 27 May 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 31 May 1865 Louisville, KY; description upon enlistment: age 40, born Adair County, 5 feet 8 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, farmer, master William Cheatham; enlistment credited to Cumberland and/or Adair County; died 17 May 1866 at regimental hospital, Council Grove, Kansas with "disease of the heart"; buried near camp 3 miles above Council Grove, Kansas; from Record of Death and Interment: residence before enlistment Columbia, KY, widow resides in Adair County, 7 children. Compton, Henry H., private, Company E, 3 KY Infantry, enlisted 17 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 20; mustered out 31 December 1864 by virtue of re-enlisted in Veterans Corps 1 January 1864 Louden County, Tennessee, age 23, of Adair County, farmer; mustered 23 February 1864 Chattanooga, TN; died of smallpox in April 1864, Service Record states "Veteran attacked with small pox while on furlough in KY in March (1864), said to have died." Conover, Dominicus, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 8 or 11 November 1863 Campbellsville, age 18, mustered Louisville; physical description as of November 1863: born Adair County, age 18, farmer, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5 feet 9 inches; when 13 Infantry mustered out, his time was not complete, so was transferred to 6 KY Veterans Cavalry; died shortly after discharged--"about three weeks after his return home"; son of Levi and Mary A. Conover, brother of Hiram J. and William H. Conover, same company. Conover, Joseph, Corporal, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 20, born Adair County, 5 feet 101/2 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner John Conover of Adair County, enlisted without consent; appointed 5th Corporal 22 April 1865 at organization of company; reduced to ranks 1 September 1865; died 20 November 1865 in hospital at Jeffersonville, Indiana; from hospital record: Joe Conover, born KY, married, residence Columbia "Darr" County, KY, wife Mary Allen, Milltown "Darr" County; Record of Death and Interment list him as single, buried U.S. Military Cemetery. Coomer, James C., private, Company L, 6 KY Cavalry, enrolled 15 or 18 August 1862 Columbia, KY, age 19, mustered 15 September 1862 Louisville; died 11 or 13 February 1863 in camp near Nashville, TN or at Franklin, TN, with dysentery. Corbin, William L., AG has Corban, private, Company A, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 13 or 18 August 1863, age 18, resided Adair County; "died of disease in Adair Co KY while on furlough July 2/64"; father applied for pension 1887, granted; probably son of Ambrose Corbin--William L. Corbin, born circa 1847, in household of Ambrose and Mary Lawless Corbin in Russell County 1860 census. Cravens, John C., private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 3 April 1865 Columbia, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 16, born Casey County, 5 feet 7 inches, black complexion, black eyes (once has hazel), black hair, farmer/laborer, master Timoleon Cravens of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 18 May 1865 General Hospital, Louisville, KY, of congestion of brain following measles; Record of Death and Interment: range 36 grave 26 Eastern Cemetery, single, age "18", "Fathers address, Walker Daroson (in the arms)". Cromeans, John, private, Company F, 5 KY Cavalry, enrolled 10 November 1861 Burkesville, Cumberland County, age 20; died 17 May 1862 at Columbia, TN-- notation on Service Record says death occurred at Mt. Pleasant, TN; son of Moses Cromeans. John Cromeans, age 5, in 1850 Cumberland County census in household of Moses & Emily Cromeans. Curry, James T., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 18 February 1863 Munfordville, KY --no date in AG for enrollment, age 18, mustered May 1863 Munfordville--Service Record has 26 April 1863; killed in action 14 May 1864 Resaca, GA; physical description upon death: born Adair County, age 18, 5 feet 9 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer, died in action; father filed for pension 1869. Curry, Oliver P., private, Company L, 13 KY Cavalry, found on original company roll, age 29, but did not live to muster--Service Record states: "...admitted to No. 1 Gen'l Hosp'l Lebanon, KY, Nov 12, 1863 in a hopeless condition from typhoid fever, and died of that disease Nov 13, 1863." In 1875 Mr. Hamilton, of Texas, U.S. Senate, submitted a report in which the following is related: "Nancy Curry, widow of Oliver P. Curry, late a private in Company L, Thirteenth Regiment Kentucky Cavalry...Claimant alleges that her husband entered the service of the United States, as a private in said company and regiment, on the 2nd of September, 1863, at Lebanon, KY, and died on the 13th of November, 1863, at the same place, of disease contracted in the service and in the line of duty...She made application for pension, which was denied her on the ground that no record evidence could be found of the soldier's service. His name, it appears from the certificate of the Adjutant General United States Army, is not found on the roll of Company L...nor any other company...Hospital records of the Army, on file...show that Oliver P. Curry, private Company L...entered the hospital at Lebanon, KY on the 12 November, 1863, for treatment for typhoid fever, and died of that disease on the 13th November, 1863. Francis Montgomery and W.F. Squires, citizens of the county of Adair...testify that they were members of Company L... "That he died a few days before the above mentioned organization was formally mustered into...service...and that his name was dropped from the enrolling list." [43rd U.S. Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Report 619, accompanied House Report 3686, 1875] Oliver P. Curry, age 25, born KY, farmer, in household with Nancy & children in 1860 Adair census--married Nancy Pendleton 2 April 1864 Adair County. Dabney, Benjamin F., private, Company F, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 28 September 1863 Clinton County, age 44 or 45, resided Wayne County; Service Record says: "Died the 2d Jan 1864"; March- April & July-August 1864 rolls say: "absent sick"; "absent sick since 24 Dec 1863 left at Columbia KY..." at time company was mustered out; officially discharged 14 July 1879 for time served to 24 December 1863 by reason of disability; resided Casey Creek precinct in 1890 Adair veterans census, and blind in left eye. Dillingham, James E., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 9 September 1862 Greensburg, KY, age 21, mustered 18 September 1862 Louisville; died 2 November 1863 with fever/disease in camp near Louden, TN; physical description as of enlistment: born Adair County, age 21, farmer, black eyes, auburn hair, dark complexion, 5 foot 9 inches, paid $25 bounty; another description, upon death, has: born Adair County, (no age), black eyes, black hair, dark complexion, farmer; mother filed for pension 1884. Dohoney, Randall, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description upon enlistment: age 36, born Adair County, 5 feet 51/2 inches, copper complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, owner Peggy Dohoney of Adair County, enlisted without consent; discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability 27 April 1866 at General Hospital, Cairo, Illinois--cause on discharge given as "chronic inflammation of the stomach & liver..." (one record notes he died 20 April 1866, after having been discharged, but before leaving hospital--likely a clerical error). Elliott, George, served from Missouri; born 1827 Adair County, died 1864 with dysentery while in service, son of George Campbell Elliott and Martha Hughes; married Caroline Potts. England, William W., private, Company L, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 1 October 1863 Adair County, age 25, mustered 23 December 1863 Columbia; died 14 April 1864 in hospital at Burkesville, KY. Epperson, Joel W., private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 23 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 20, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died of fever 17 January [or March] 1863 Munfordville, KY, Service Record states: "died of fever on or about Jany 17 1863, while at his home in Taylor Co KY on sick furlough; physical description upon death: age 20, born KY, 5 feet 10 inches, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, died Taylor County, with fever; father applied for pension. Epperson, Joseph--Joe Ebberson, private, Company A, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 16 January 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered same day and place; description upon enlistment: age 19, born Adair County, 6 feet, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, master John J. "Ebberson" of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 7 March 1866 at U.S. General Hospital, Louisville, KY; Record of Death and Interment: Joseph "Aperson", age "15", buried range 34 grave 18 Eastern cemetery, "Fathers address, Silas Patterson, Jamestown, Dark Co Ky", died 8 February 1866 with pneumonia following measles. Epperson, Patrick Henry, Sergeant, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled as Corporal 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 17, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; appointed Sergeant 17 January 1862; discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability 13 April 1862 Nashville, TN; physical description from discharge: age 17 at enrollment, born Adair County, 5 feet 6 inches, dark complexion, blue eyes, black hair, farmer; born 27 March 1844, died 31 August 1862 with measles, buried Pleasant Hill Christian Church Cemetery near Montpelier, Adair County, son of John J. Epperson and Elizabeth Morris. Epperson, Samuel--Ebberson, private, Company A, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 16 January 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered same day and place; description upon enlistment: age 22, born Adair County, 5 feet 7 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, master John E. "Ebberson" of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 5 February 1865 at General Hospital at New Albany, Indiana. Ferguson, Andrew J., --Service Record filed as Furgerson, private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 23, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; wounded in tibia, right leg, 20 September 1863 at Battle of Chickamauga, sent to hospital at Nashville, died 25 November 1863 at Louisville of wounds received; physical description at time of death: born Bedford County, VA, age 23, 5 feet 111/4 inches, blue eyes, dark complexion, light hair, farmer. An Andrew J. Fergueson is also listed as having served as private in Company E, 13 KY Infantry. Andrew J. Ferguson, age 23, born VA, farm laborer, in household of Thomas and Cyntha Ferguson in 1860 Adair census. Ferguson, Robert F., -AG has Fargueson, private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled as Sergeant 23 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 24*, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; found on company rolls beginning January 1862 as private; died 17 June 1862 Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO with typhoid; AG has died at Nashville, TN; physical description upon death: age 22, born Cumberland County, KY, school teacher, 5 feet 10 inches, light complexion, blue eyes, sandy hair; residence before service given as Taylor County. [*Original roll has age 22, physical description upon death has 22, other Service Record documents have 24.] Floyd, James, private, Company G, 12 KY Infantry, enrolled 15 October 1861 Camp Hoskins, Pulaski County, age 35, absent on detached service at Somerset, KY at time of muster and on such service continuously through June 1864 according to company rolls; listed as transferred as of February 1865. Note: James Floyd and several other men from the 12 KY Infantry were assigned to Captain William F. Patterson of Patterson's Company of Mechanics and Engineers. Their job was to construct defenses for Camp Hoskins, Pulaski County; later worked on roads, bridges, in the Cumberland Mountains, Louisiana, Texas, etc. According to Patterson's M&E rolls, James Floyd was enrolled and mustered 8 November 1861 at Cumberland Gap, mustered out 22 January 1865 Louisville; Service Record has death in hospital: James L. Floyd, age 39, died 29 or 30 January 1865, married, widow's address Margaret A. Floyd, Columbia, Ky, cause of death was erysephelas, burial at Louisville. Adair 1860 census: James L. Floyd, 34, born KY, farmer, wife Margaret A., and children. [Aaron Pyles, has in his book, Hardwicks: James L. Floyd, born 15 April 1847 Pulaski County, died 30 January 1864 Louisville, married Margaret Ann Bryant 15 April 1847, had issue born in Adair County.] Frost, Solomon, private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 30 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 26, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; born 14 July 1835, died 7 or 9 January 1864 of small pox in hospital at Knoxville, TN; physical description upon death: age 26, born Morgan County, TN, 5 feet 10 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, sandy hair, farmer; married Sarah Jane Pike 21 April 1856 Adair County; wife died 8 August 1862, left three minor children; minor pension applied for. Garner, John V., private, Company D, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 5 November 1861 Camp Wolford, age 16 or 17, mustered 1 January 1862 Camp Boyle; died 3 January 1862 Columbia, KY with fever. Gentry, John B. [Jr.], of Franklin County, enlisted as private at Bowling Green 8 October 1861, Company A, 6th KY Infantry, fought at Shiloh and Vicksburg, died of disease at Tangipahoa, LA 15 August 1862; son of John B. Gentry. Gibson, John, -AG has John, Service Record filed as John G., private, Company L, 6 KY Cavalry, enrolled 1 December 1862 Columbia, KY, age 18, mustered 1 or 5 December 1862; missing in action 21 September 1863; died while prisoner of war at Andersonville, 27 June 1864; physical description from Service Record: born Adair County, 19, 5 feet 61/2 inches, light complexion, hazel eyes, dark hair, farmer, "Death at Andersonville Ga a prisoner of war. June 27 1864...captured at Battle of Chickamauga GA Sept 20 1863." [John M. Gibson, private, same company, enrolled 20 August 1862 Hart County, age 22, killed by railroad accident on L & N railroad near Bacon Creek Bridge, KY, 10 May 1863, according to AG.] Gibson, John M., Corporal, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 1861, age 21, Camp Dick Robinson, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; appointed Corporal 17 April 1862; wounded 25 November 1863 at Battle of Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, TN; died 9 January 1864 at Chattanooga, TN of wounds received in battle on 25 November 1863; physical description from military death statement: born Adair County, age 21, 5 feet 71/2 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. John M. Gibson, age 20, farmer, born Adair County, in household of Robert and Louisa Gibson in 1860 Adair; also James J. Gibson, age 16. Grady, William P., private, Company C, 7 KY Cavalry and Company K, 6 KY Mounted Infantry; captured at Greensburg, Green County 1 December 1863 by Provost Marshal of Green County "very bitter in his ??? against the Federal Government"; sent to Louisville where he died in prison hospital 9 December 1863. Williamson P. Grady, age 16, born Adair County, son of William F. Grady, and brother of John H. Grady, listed in Adair County 1860 census. WPG is not listed in AG for Company K, but the company was broken up and reorganized after the Battle of Corinth. P. Grady and E. Grady are listed in AG for Company C, 7 KY Cavalry, both as enlisting 17 September 1862 in Taylor County, KY, -AG and Service Records give only first initial. Grant, Richard, private, Company E, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 5 April 1865 Columbia or Lebanon, KY, mustered 8 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; physical description upon enlistment: age 45, 5 feet 1 inch, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, born Adair County, farmer; died 1 November 1865 in Regimental Hospital, Louisville, KY; name of master Benj. Grant, Adair County, enlisted without consent; Hospital record stated: age 41, born KY, married, resided "Columbia Dark Co, Ky", Columbia post office, wife Eady Grant, admitted to hospital 20 September, returned to duty 26 September, died 1 November 1865 with consumption; widow, Edy Grant, resided Cane Valley precinct in 1890 Adair veterans census which stated his discharge was sent to Washington. Grider, Frederick G., private, Company D, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 26 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 29, mustered 30 December 1861 Camp Hobson; "absent at home where he was carried Feb 16/62, sick" according to Service Record, roll of March-April 1862; died with consumption/pneumonia 12 July 1863 in hospital at Louisville; physical description from medical record: born Cumberland County, KY, age 29, 5 feet 10 inches, dark complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer. Frederick Grider, age 17, born KY, farmer, in household of Mary Grider, age 60, and others in 1850 Adair census. Grissom, Timoleon C., private, Company C, 6 KY Mounted Infantry, enlisted 20 September 1861 Cave City, KY for 12 months service; died of disease at Atlanta, GA 3 or 23 March 1862; Service Record filed as Grisson. Hall, William, -AG has Hute, on original roll as Hall, private, Company H, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 16 October 1861, age 20, never mustered, died 4 December 1861. No Service Record on file. Hancock, Andrew, private, teamster, Company I, 8 KY Cavalry*; enlisted 28 July 1862 Russellville, KY for 12 months service; assigned to Captain Dever's Company; teamster, drove supply wagon; in October 1862 contracted camp dysentery and went home without official leave, sent word that he was sick; off muster roll November-December 1862; present January-September 1863; mustered out Lebanon, KY 17 September 1863. The Army allotted Andrew $40.62 for clothing and paid him a bounty of $27.00. He had seven dependent children and a wife at home in Columbia, KY; born 5 September 1824 Adair County, died 11 March 1870 from effects of camp dysentery, having never regained his health; received $12 per month pension from 1866 until his death. [*Note: Andrew Hancock is not listed in AG for service in the 8 Cavalry; information comes from his pension files; pension was granted upon sworn testimony; file contains a copy of a letter from Andrew's wife, Rebecca Walker Hancock.] [Ancestor of Shirley Waterman Harris] [An Andrew J. Hancock, private, Company I, 2 KY Cavalry, listed in AG, enrolled 19 September 1861, mustered in 16 December 1861 Camp Wood, KY, discharged 19 December 1862 Nashville, TN; also, Andrew J. Hancock, Sergeant, enrolled 23 September 1861, mustered in 16 December 1861 Camp Wood, KY, discharged 19 December 1862. The 2 KY Cavalry became "veteranized" in Alabama in 1864, but private A.J. Hancock appeared on the roll of Company I in AG, though he appears not to have served after December 1862--MCW] Hancock, George W., private, Company C, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 23 September 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 18, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 21 December 1864 Louisville with congestion of the lungs; physical description from record of death: Drummer, Company C, single, age 21, born KY, (next of kin) John Hancock, Columbia, KY, cause was peritonitis and congestion of lungs; a second record has: born Adair County, age 21, 5 feet 5 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer; "his body been taken by his relatives"; buried Hancock Cemetery, Adair County, military marker; father applied for pension. Hardwick, Philip Tyler, --Service Record filed as Tyler Hardwick, 2nd Lieutenant, Company M, 8 KY Cavalry, enrolled as Sergeant 28 July 1862 Adair County, age "25", mustered 8 September 1862 Russellville, KY, for one year; promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, mustered as such 1 March 1863 Clarksville, TN; died 17 April 1863--Service Record has "Colwell" KY, Coldwell (Caldwell) Co, KY, and Nashville, TN; family Bible has--born 1 October 1840, died 3 November 1863, Chickamauga, TN; son of William and Elizabeth McCain Hardwick, Adair County; mother filed for pension 1883. Philip T. Hardwick, age 19, born KY, farm laborer, in household of William and Lucinda Hardwick in 1860 Adair census; Philip, age 9, in household of William and Elizabeth Hardwick in 1850 Adair census. Harvey, Bird W., -AG has Baird W., private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 19 September 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 21, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; wounded at battle of Chickamauga 20 September 1863; died Chattanooga 1 November 1863 from wounds received in battle; physical description: born Adair County, age 21 at enrollment, 6 feet, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, farmer, did at Chattanooga from wounds received in battle. Harvey, Perry, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 22 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 26, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died with fever at hospital 8 May 1862 Louisville; married Emma/Emi Lewis 1858 Adair County; widow and minor pensions applied for and granted. Hatcher, Caleb, private, Company F, 125 U.S. Colored Infantry, enlisted 21 April 1865 Lebanon, KY, mustered 22 April 1865 Lebanon, KY; description from Service Record: enlisted age 19, born Adair County, 5 feet 5 inches, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, laborer, master Joshua Hatcher of Adair County, enlisted without consent; died of small pox/pneumonia in post hospital at Cairo, Illinois 17 March 1866. Hendrickson, John C., Corporal, Company I, 6 KY Cavalry, enrolled 15 August 1862 Plum Point (on Green River), age 25, mustered 15 September 1862 Louisville, died "at home on furlough" 25 October 1864; buried Butler Creek Cemetery, Adair County; military marker has "J.C." and no rank; physical description from record of death: born Adair County, age 25, 5 feet 10 inches, red complexion, gray eyes, sandy hair, farmer; death was result of illness, but no exact cause given in Service Record. John C. Hendrickson, age 23, born KY, farm laborer, in household of Elizabeth R. Hendrickson, age 52, in 1860 Adair census. Higginbottom, Moses, 2nd Lieutenant, Company C, 12 KY Infantry, enrolled 3 October 1861 Camp Hoskins, age 43, mustered 30 January 1862 Camp Clio; AG states he died 1 August 1862; Service Record states: absent furloughed home March 1862, absent at home Clinton Co, KY sick April 1862, absent furlough in KY May 1862, absent without leave June 1862, absent sick in Cumberland Co, KY July 1862, and absent sick in Russell Co, KY, deceased July 4 1862; widow's pension file states he was sent home on sick leave 20 March 1862 and died of chronic diarrhea in Russell County 4 July 1862; married Analiza Miller 1841 Russell County (she died 1852), married Margaret A. Miller 1857 Russell County (she married second David Eller 1868 Russell County, married third Truelove M. Sparks 1884 Jasper County, IA); widow was pensioner, resided Russell County in 1868 and Tama County, Iowa in 1903; "Moses Higginbottom died 7 July 1862, aged 44 years, 2 months, 15 days" buried in Miller Cemetery at Crocus, Adair County. Holt, Berryman, -AG has Berry Holt, private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled in Company H 16 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 18, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; transferred 1 January 1862 to Company B; died of fever 2 January 1862 "in camp" in KY; father applied for pension 1879. Benjamin Holt with service in this Company, mother applied for pension 1879. Holt, Jeremiah, private, Company A, 3 KY Infantry, enrolled 12 August 1861 Camp Dick Robinson, age 21, mustered 8 October 1861 Camp Dick Robinson; died 1 August 1864 Chattanooga, TN of wounds received in battle near Mud Creek, GA on 15 June 1864; physical description upon death: born Adair County, age "21", 5 feet 6 inches, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, farmer. Jeremiah Holt, age 19, born Adair, farming, in household of William and Elizabeth Holt in 1860 Adair census. Hovious, William, -AG has Hovous, Service Record filed as Hovous, private, Company C, 27 KY Infantry, enrolled 12 October 1861 Campbellsville, KY, age 19; mustered 21 March 1862 Rochester, KY; died at field hospital 15* June 1862 near Corinth, Mississippi; son of John and Nancy Hovious who lived in Adair County; Corinth National Cemetery lists: William "Havous" died 16 June 1862, Company C, 27 KY Infantry; mother filed for pension, later father filed in 1876. [*One citation in SR has death on 14 June 1862, all other references have 15 June.] Hughes, Harvey H., -AG has Harvey H. Hugho, private, Company L, 13 KY Cavalry, enrolled 18 November 1863 Adair County, age 27, mustered 23 December 1863 Columbia; died in hospital at Columbia, KY 11 March 1864; married Susan Patterson 1859 Adair County. Hughes, Thomas "Tom", private, Company D, 5 U.S. Colored Cavalry, enlisted 15 August 1864 Lebanon, KY, mustered 27 August 1864 Lebanon; died 12 October 1864 with measles at Prestonsburg, KY; physical description from company record: age 20, 6 feet, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, born Adair County, laborer/farmer, owner Dr. H.Q. Hughes, Adair County, enlisted without consent. Hundley, Josiah T., private, Company B, 13 KY Infantry, enrolled 26 October 1861 Camp Andy Johnson, age 29, mustered 31 December 1861 Camp Hobson; died 1 July 1862 St. Louis, MO (some documents in Service Record have Louisville, KY) of disease; description from Military Hospital document: died 1 July at 4th St. Hospital (St. Louis), age about 25, 5 feet 8 inches, cause "Icterus"?; married Mary Jane McGinnis in Fentress County, TN in 185_; had two living children under age 16 in 1863; widow moved with children to Scott County, IL by 1865; widow remarried in Scott County, IL in 1865 to John William Summers, later married a Scott; widow and minor pensions granted, applications dated 10 June 1863. Widow stated she was born in Adair County. Hunter, Creed, private, Company D, 5 U.S. Colored Cavalry, enlisted 15 August 1864 Lebanon, KY, mustered 27 August 1864 Lebanon; physical description from company record: age 26, born Adair County, black complexion, black eyes, black hair, 5 feet 10 inches, farmer/ laborer, owner Ben Hunter, Adair County, enlisted without consent; died 24 January 1865 in hospital at Covington, KY, cause not given; left widow, Delpha, who appeared in 1890 Adair veterans census, service given as Company "C". Hurt, Bowen Price, 1st Sergeant, Company D, 30 Iowa Infantry; born Adair County, died 21 August 1864 Marietta, GA in hospital, of disease; son of William Hurt, Sr.; married Juliet Gilmer 1 October 1851 in Lee County, Iowa--she married second John G. Beans 1869. Widow and minors pensioned. Bowen P. Hurt married Malissa F. Bridgewater 1846 Adair County. This story was posted on 2016-05-30 07:20:05
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