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Jill Petrey identifies Celandine or Yellow Wood Poppy

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Jill Petrey writes:
Celandine Poppy or Yellow Wood Poppy according to my book: "A Guide to the Wildflowers & Ferns of Kentucky." This is a great book to go to; it was handed down to me by a very dear person. An older book, but I think you would really enjoy it. I do. - Jill Petrey
Comments re photo 65932 Wildflower of Kentucky Yellow Spring Flowers on Dunbar Hill

This story was posted on 2016-04-16 03:21:00
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Wildflower of Kentucky: Yellow Spring Flowers on Dunbar Hill

2016-04-15 - Elkhorn Road, KY 76, Knifley, Adair County, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener.
This was a 'go back' flower - spotted while headed west on KY 76 going up Dunbar Hill. We turned back on Tucker Woods Road to photograph these yellow flowers, hoping to identify them using all the references we've been given, but the closest thing, after a half-hour search was evening primrose and we don't trust that. Maybe Billy Joe Fudge will come up with a class on Wildflower identification at the next HGR Plow Day. Maybe someone knows of an App you just show the picture and it gives ID and more information than you can process about any flower. For now, we're not proud. We don't know. But would like to know the proper name, hoping it is "Yellow flower, Dunbar Hillis. - EW. See: Jill Petrey identifies Celandine or Yellow Wood Poppy

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