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CHS forms first ever fishing team

There will be a CHS Fishing Team parent meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 530pmCT/6:30pmET, at the Board of Education office, 610 W Main Street, Campbellsville, KY, to discuss the team's upcoming tournaments.
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By Calen McKinney

For the first time in school history, Campbellsville High School has a fishing team.

Jeff Richardson, director of pupil personnel and food service director for Campbellsville Independent Schools, is the coach.

Eight students have joined the team, including seniors Andy Sabo, Kendon Young, Caden Wheatley and Deaven Meece, sophomores Bryce Richardson, Austin Carter and Connor Wilson and freshman Noah Riley.

There will be a parent meeting on Tuesday, March 15, at 6:30pmET, at the Board of Education office, 610 W Main Street, to discuss the team's upcoming tournaments.

The team is searching for boat captains. Captains must be 21, have a boat and be able to show a current proof of insurance for the vessel.

Richardson said the team will participate in some Kentucky Bass Nation tournaments, along with being a part of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association's region lineup.

CHS will compete in region 3, which also includes Barren, Boyle, Jackson, Lincoln, Marion, Metcalfe, Monroe, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Taylor and Wayne counties, South Laurel, Southwestern, North Laurel, Lynn Camp, Knox Central and Corbin.

The CHS team is also a member of the Student Angler Federation.

This story was posted on 2016-03-10 07:30:59
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Members of the CHS 2016 Fishing Team

2016-03-10 - Campbellsville High School, 230 W Main (campus), Campbellsville, KY - Photo by Calen McKinney, Public Information Officer, CIS.
The 2016 CHS fishing team is, from left, front, senior Deaven Meece, sophomore Austin Carter, coach Jeff Richardson, freshman Noah Riley and sophomore Bryce Richardson. Back, seniors Andy Sabo, Kendon Young and Caden Wheatley and sophomore Connor Wilson. - Calen McKinney

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