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Wanda Kerns: Doesn't want alcohol easily available

Wanda Kerns
Personal commentary

Yes, it is happening again and certainly not because someone is afraid. Sure you can go to Lebanon and buy all the booze you want, but if it isn't within walking distance it isn't as easy for a underage minor to get.

You must be 21 you say??? Give me a break!!! Kids buy cigarettes here all the time and you think they won't booze?

I am a woman of God and I don't need to examine myself either. I wouldn't even have to be a Christian to be against this town being wet.

I just need to be a mom. Maybe you don't have children or maybe you have never lost a child, but I have.

I believe in raising my children with good decent morals.

Have I ever had a drink?? Yes, I have, but it wasn't available in town at a diner that children are at to view a few having too many.

I've seen drunks not much of an example to set for a child.

Why make it so easy.

You can call me a holy roller, a bible thumper, or whatever makes you feel good and will say, Thank You, God Bless You and you have a wonderful day and I vote "No." - Wanda Kerns

This story was posted on 2016-03-04 07:40:28
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