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Christian-parent-teacher tells why she will vote 'Yes'

'So I say to the rest of the silent and possibly shamed majority: when this vote has passed & Walmart regularly carries alcohol, I am prepared for shaming stares of the contents of my shopping cart. I am prepared for the whispers and disgusted glances of our uber-conservative community members while I set the bottle of wine at the register. And when I get home and the kids are bathed, in bed, and homework done I will hoist my glass to the rest of those like myself.'
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By "anonymous law abiding educated Christian citizen"
Name and contact information on file at CM

I am a Christian. I am a parent. I am a teacher.

While there is not a sign in my front yard I am part of the semi-silent majority.

I will be voting yes.

I will be voting yes for many reasons.

Most of them are personal, but the rest are motivated by the opportunity for our community to grow.

There are loads of things I would like to say, but I mostly wanted to reach out to those who are also law abiding, educated, and likely church-going individuals like myself who may be feeling shamed for our decision.

Like me, they probably keep alcohol at the house when time allows them to travel to get it.

They may also pass up having a drink with dinner out because they have the children with them.

Deglazing the pan while cooking with a splash of wine may be commonplace. Exploring locally brewed ales may interest them as it does me.

They may also refrain from finishing a drink from feeling flushed and the kids still need their bath.

So I say to the rest of the silent and possibly shamed majority: when this vote has passed & Walmart regularly carries alcohol, I am prepared for shaming stares of the contents of my shopping cart.

I am prepared for the whispers and disgusted glances of our uber-conservative community members while I set the bottle of wine at the register.

And when I get home and the kids are bathed, in bed, and homework done I will hoist my glass to the rest of those like myself.

~ anonymous law abiding educated Christian citizen

This story was posted on 2016-03-02 07:33:41
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