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Shannon Sexton, chair of PAC, responds to AFV's Doug Peterson

Commentary a response to: Commentary: About PAC's refusal to debate by Doug Peterson, Adair Family Values (AFV)
See also: Tracking the discussion: wet vs dry in Adair County KY for a continuing list of articles on Adair County's Wet/Dry Election coming March 22, 2016.

By Shannon Sexton
Personal commentary

Mr. Peterson,

Funded by who? PAC is funded by local citizens and businesses. We are a registered political action committee. Our finance reports are on file with the state as well as at the clerk's office and can be obtained through open records.

Who is PAC? We are technically 3 individuals - Chair, Treasurer and Official Contact. 2000 citizens of Adair Co. signed the petition to bring this to ballot. PAC is much bigger than one person or three. It's a movement of the people, by the people and for the people. Volunteers help when they can, where they can.

Who appointed me as Chair? I volunteered. There is no conspiracy theory here. I want more for Adair Co.

What community was "divided"? Russell Co. Threats of gun violence or physical altercations. Neighbor pitted against neighbor. Why would we subject our citizens to that if we can keep from it? This is a hot button issue and it\'s emotional for all parties.

What am I afraid of? This is not about fear, it\'s about respect for your fellow neighbor. We will all have to live here long after the election is over.

Lastly, there is nothing to debate. Nobody can legitimately say they don't support alcohol sales in Adair Co. You will either go to the polls and VOTE YES for legal sales or you will go and VOTE NO for illegal sales. The choice is simple. The people of Adair Co. are plenty capable of making their decision without the two sides getting in the trenches and slugging it out for nothing more than entertainment purposes.

Shannon Sexton, the writer is the Chair of Progress in Adair County (PAC)

This story was posted on 2016-02-29 10:34:11
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