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Michael Regan wonders if Yes-er stole his No sign

By Michael Regan
Personal commentary

Good morning to all. It's a very beautiful, early Spring morning. We're blessed to open our eyes to once again to the miracle of creation. "Let them that have eyes see"; Romans.

So, as I cruised our yard, following the doggies on their morning constitutional, I passed by the roadside at the end of our driveway where I had placed a very discreet "VOTE NO" sign a kind friend had provided for me.

His church had elected to purchase them for the benefit of all in the community who understand that one day we shall have to answer for the actions we take and the votes we make.

I do have eyes. And what did my eyes see? The sign had been stolen. So, should I conclude that the issue of promoting alcohol in Adair County also promotes theft?!

Did my 1st amendment right irritate a "yes-er" to the point of this unseemly act? What then,can we expect when addictive alcohol is in our community when just the thought of being denied it would cause a person to steal? The door is opening, folks. Close it now and vote "NO" please.

Michael Regan Columbia - Michael Regan

This story was posted on 2016-02-28 08:20:57
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