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Letter: Reader from England sends thoughts on wet/dry

Penny Day writes:
Dear Sir:
I live in the UK and have a close friend who studies at the Lindsey Wilson College. I follow your fine magazine so I can keep up with the news in the area where she is studying. The laws in the UK are very different and i wanted to offer my own thoughts on the matter.

Here in the UK it is very difficult to own a gun and i certainly could not just walk in to a shop to buy one. However i can go to my local pub and to any supermarket and buy alcohol. Pubs are an important part of our communities and bring everyone together. We are not forced to choose alcohol but we do have the choice to buy it if we so wish. It brings a lot of business in too. I find it hard to understand that the people of KY can go and buy a gun in ten minutes or so but cannot buy a beer if they want one. I believe there is a lot of support there for this to change, and surely it is better for your community to have more control and put the bootleggers out of business with their illegal sales. I understand you have a rally there today and that the church are against it. I feel it is a shame they cannot compromise and put their energy into educating people about the sensible use of alcohol and allow their community to make the money instead of the bootleggers. Alcohol has nothing to do with religion, just like nicotine, caffeine and fast food, its a personal choice.

Yours sincerely, --Penny Day

This story was posted on 2016-02-27 09:24:46
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