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Tracking the discussion: wet vs dry in Adair County KY
By Linda Waggener
Following is a list of links to all news and opinions received on the issue of legalizing alcohol sales since January 1, 2016. The election will happen March 22, 2016 and voters will be urged to get out and cast their ballots for, or against, the legal sale of alcohol in Adair County, KY.
Columbiamagazine.com respects all voices and will endeavor to print all who contribute signed letters of civil discourse on this very important matter.
Letters and comments from persons who have already stated positions may be held to make room for opinions of those who have not yet had their letters included.
Letters requesting name not be used with comments are subject to being left out -- in some cases names may be kept on file and the letter printed with that notation, but it is entirely up to the editor's discretion.
Letters with a call to action to vote one side over the other will be considered for paid advertising.
Note: Links are in chronological order - newest comments are added at the bottom of the list.
If your letter is left out, please click 'contact' below this article and let us know name and date it was sent.
- Rickie Williams: is this progress?
- Signatures goal met January 21, 2016
- Clerk certifies votes, election is definite
- Shannon Sexton: election will be held March 22, 2016
- Mike Ellis: questions budget assumptions
- Billy Joe Fudge: appreciates concern for accuracy
- Shannon Sexton: tax revenue depends on local rate
- Jon Halsey: refreshing to see...
- Brandon Burns: believes numbers are off
- Shannon Sexton: any tax more than we get now
- Clerk Lisa Greer: requirements for absentee voting
- Lake Cumberland wet-dry news
- Chris Oliver: alcohol purchases should benefit Adair
- Doug Beard: it's about responsibility
- Doug Peterson: Urges NO vote 22 Mar 2016 Adair Co election
- Charles Marshburn: statics questioned
- Shannon Sexton: statistics on wrecks in dry counties
- Lucy: better to buy where you live
- Michael Regan: teach them what Bible advocates
- Derek Nickel: look at counties voting yes
- Michael Regan: dark genie in the bottle
- Shannon Sexton: legalize it, regulate it, control it
- Shirl Moore: will vote against bootleggers
- Jenny Dawson: don't be intimidated by scare tactics
- Ron Heath: problem isn't consumption of alcohol, it's abuse of alcohol
- Laura Hurt: a clear link between dry counties and high meth use
- Amy Pike: it's about economics
- Patty McClister: don't drink but will vote yes
- Mary Bardin: prescription drug abuse much greater concern than alcohol
- Shannon Sexton: statistics added on teen fatalities due to alcohol
- Charles Marshburn: Which police responsible for Bootlegger?
- Kevin Jenkins: a balanced budget also talks about the cost of alcohol
- Steve Grider: what percent of crimes occurred in wet vs dry counties?
- Cindy Harvey: believe the tax will help economy overall
- JIM: a look at our history and perils of drink
- Jon Halsey: exploding containers just one of many dangers
- Kelvin Bailey: appreciate the ongoing robust discussion
- Michael Regan: Can you see a bar in heaven?
- Billy Joe Fudge: alcohol doesn't kill people, people kill people
- Jon Halsey on Wet/Dry: Wants more truth, less truthiness
- Randy Young: Alcohol is a drug>
- Mark McKinnon: Wet/Dry decisions based in Logic or Emotion
- Tommy Kemp: calls for immediate ban on sale of Mountain Dew in Adair County
- Don't mix religion into this argument
- Bruce Sexton asks where are we going?
- Randy Young says your vote counts
- Shannon Sexton clears up misinformation
- Anita Rees agrees on what the real question is
- MB asks how much we've lost by Bootleggar selling instead of legal
- Doug Beard looks at perceptions
- Absentee voting
- Randy Young responds to Kevin Jenkins
- Tommy Kemp asks how far we should let laws reach into our personal lives
- Jon Halsey agrees about laws reaching into personal lives
- Carol Perkins emphasizes the need to register and vote, especially for women
- Wets decline debate with Drys because “We are all Christians”
- Gerald Doss: Misplaced concern. Meth is the new concern
- JIM looks at the lighter side of history, it’s not right to advocate trafficking in whiskey
- Doug Beard: Vote for dry is a vote to continue illegal sales
- Randy Young: We all want progress but is this the progress we need?
- Penny Day: A comparison to legal sales in the UK
- Doug Peterson: questions PAC and its chair for more disclosure
- Michael Regan: Vote no sign stolen
- Shannon Sexton: thinks AFV graphic ad misleading
- Billy Joe Fudge: wet/dry issue is about freedom
- Shannon Sexton: stealing or damaging campaign signs is illegal
- Shannon Sexton: writing as a private citizen, Christian, wife, mother, realist
- Randy Young: nothing good will come from it
- Chris Oliver: most of the nation figured this out in 1933
- Mark Hale: will vote no, but outcome should not divide the county
- Shannon Sexton: response to provide requested disclosure
- George Kolbenschlag: will vote yes for five main reasons
- Jana Esch: will vote no, legalization brings acceptance, normalcy
- Mark Selby: Bible says to obey the laws, so why do we allow bootleggers here?
- Ed Waggener: how to find full disclosure on state website
- Author on file: to those who vote NO, what have you done or plan to do to stop the illegal sale of alcohol in this county?
- Ed Waggener: full disclosure of leadership for both sides of wet/dry issue
- Tommy Jones: questions what else protestors are calling evil here
- BJ Hagy: a no vote helps bootleggers keep making their living
- Jane Potts: why no prayer gatherings to end bootlegging?
- Lee Ann Parnell: don’t see any yes side standing against bootleggers either; divisions can easily be resolved with common respect
- Randy Young gives scripture
- Granny Nanny says use whole scripture
- Charles Marshburn says Granny hit nail on head
- Mitzi Bault: it’s about choice
- Michael Regan: why can’t we say we oppose alcohol sales?
- Wendy Burt: first alcohol was at age 13, communion — did that lead me down the path of ruin?
- Shannon Sexton: drys can’t have it both ways
- Charles Marshburn sends election alert number
- Author name on file: Christian-parent-teacher tells why she will vote 'Yes'
- Deb P: responds to Christian parent teacher voting yes
- Charles Marshburn worries over mass migration
- Willard Jessie: why can’t the law enforce alcoholic beverage laws?
- Brandon Burns: why not have wet/dry at regular election?
- Shannon Sexton: will be hard to find a dry county to move to
- Laura Hurt: it’s nonsense to say self control is an exception
- Taft Neal: the alcohol witch hunt
- JIM: illegal for wet/dry election to take place at regular election time
- Richie Melson: lost two family members to alcohol
- Tommy Jones: raise taxes to make up for lost alcohol sales
- Wanda Kerns: Doesn't want alcohol easily available
- Guy Babin: It's already 'Wet' in Paradise USA
- Ed Pipalski: taxed enough already
- Grannie Nannie: suspicious of those who rail
- Trish Zatkoff: God gave us free will
- Former AC Superintendent Rev. Darrell Treece comments on Wet/Dry issue
- Marcia M. Shuffet for in-between Wet & Dry
- Chris Reeder: Thankful for right to vote
- Chris Murphy: we are being misled, pray for revival
- Roger Young: Chicago has dry neighborhoods
- Tommy Jones: Christians commonly consumed alcohol until Wesley
- Ralph Waggener: Wet/Dry: The vanilla extract story
- Randy Young: Drunk drivers don't think or care
- Robert Krug: Dry's quotation not quite right
- Granny Nanny: reason for baking so much
- Letter: Randy Young appreciates clarification
- Gary Rose: 70 proof vanilla extract
- Shannon Sexton: Dry supporter's letter doesn't fact check
- Amy Pike wonders why no comments allowed on AFV site
- JIM: the wife does a lot of baking
- Gary Rose: Quote in its entirety
- Michael Regan: No vote is on the side of Light>
- Shannon Sexton: Light shines on both sides
- Doug Beard: The Holy Bible repudiates "prohibition": compilation of all verses containing the words "wine" or "strong drink" a wonderful resource
- Anita Rees: it has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with responsible parenting
- Randy Young: points to horrible accident to make people think
- James Murrell: Cautionary note on selective scripture quotations
- Wanda Kerns: bet they got drunk on the way from Lebanon
- Anita Rees: ignorance referred to - alcohol is already here
- Jon Halsey: My imperturbability bucket has run dry
- Anita Rees: compliments to Christian parent teacher who will vote yes
- Kelvin Bailey: Some dry posts provide legitimate fodder for PAC
- Gary Rose: Facts, not emotions on Wet/Dry
- Laura Hurt: The vote is about legal or illegal sales
- Does anybody know? Do bootleggers card people?
- Mitch Bragg: Really?
Jamey Hayes: So many Yes posts make me want to vote No
- Gail Power: All the no vote signs make me want to vote Yes
- Jon Halsey: Both the issue and the discussion are simple choices
- Ed Waggener: Question this morning: Do legal sales folks need another Wow!
- Shannon Sexton: Another Wow! factor
- JIM: So much 100 years ago is relevant today
- Link: WBKO-Tv story on Cave City, KY after legal sales
- Mary Norris: where might bar and grill be?
- Sen. Girdler's letter on change
- Mike Watson: Noticed several Vote No signs spray painted Yes
- Shannon Sexton: PAC condemns vandalism of any yard signs
- Signature on file: blames wet forces for vandalism
- Shannon Sexton: Neither side has escaped vandalism, blame
- Wanda Kerns: Vandals were likely children or very low life adults
- Amy Pike: Signs won't be voting March 22, the citizens will
- Jane Potts cites Cave City as model for Columbia/Adair Wet/Dry
- Adair Clerk lists Polling Places, Officers, 22 Mar 2016 Election
- Randy Young: Should follow McCreary County
Jim Garner: Requests citation on claims about Somerset
- Ed Waggener: Absentee votes at good pace for Wet-Dry election
- Mike Harris: Researchable data about violence, crime, Somerset
- Joyce Coomer: I would like some answers
- Jerry Holt: Yes vote would result in cleaner roadsides
- Jon Halsey: Answers to Joyce's questions
- Mark Hale: Regardless of outcome, no need to get upset
- Jon Halsey: tack Mark Hale's words of wisdom on doors of every polling place
- Clerk Lisa Greer: Local Option Election is this Tuesday 22 Mar 2016
- Jon Halsey offers answer
- vote in three days
- Mike Ellis: Doesn't think legal sales will stop littering
- Linda Waggener: Voting yes to end duplicity, buy legal-local
- Rickie Williams: still see no proof of progress
- Jimmie Cox: agrees with comments
- Jon Halsey: the bottom line
- Mike Ellis: Life with an alcoholic parent
- Shannon Sexton responds to help demonstrate economic side
- Marsha Walker: Agree with yes vote because it's our right
- Joyce Coomer: changed from yes to no vote
- Randy Young: alcohol related tragedy in Horse Cave
- Tommy Kemp: just uncover your eyes and you will see
- Charles Marshburn: where can I get an application for bootlegger license?
- Shannon Sexton: you can vote if you're 18 and registered in Adair County
- Marcia Shuffett: not crossing that line
- Shannon Sexton: loss of life is tragic; did alcohol come from a wet county or a bootlegger?
- Marcia Shuffett: not crossing that line
- Shannon Sexton: loss of life is tragic; did alcohol come from a wet county or a bootlegger?
- Mike Ellis: 39 counties had increase in collisions
- Amy Pike: there's more to consider on the Horse Cave story
- Ed Waggener: absentee votes now total 277
- Chris Oliver: vote will be over tomorrow but if it doesn't pass, the wet/dry issue will not go away
- Sharon R. Thompson: Will vote against easier access
- J. Brandon Thompson: Vote outcome should not divide citizens
- Shannon Sexton: Vote. Let freedom ring!
- Billy Joe Fudge: We should celebrate every election day
- Adair Clerk Lisa Greer: Polls very busy this morning
- Yes vote wins
- Yes vote wins by over 600
- March 22, 2016 Special Election Results
- Mark Hale: The big vote is behind us
- Randy Young: thanks to all
- Question about next step
- Mayor Hardwick: now comes the hard part of making it work
- Shannon Sexton: Adair County made history yesterday
This story was posted on 2016-02-16 08:40:15
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