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Letter: Road clearing is done strictly by specific priority lists

Comments re article 80370 Tamara Rowell writes Why all roads should have same priority

By Sena Schaefer

I have read the comments about the roads and the priorities to clean them off.

Please note that there are different road departments involved here. The state road department takes care of the state roads including the parkway and down to the smallest state road in the county. The county road department takes care of other roads in the county not covered by the state department. The city takes care of the city streets.

There are places when these different departments overlap. Each department has a priority list which they follow.

I know it seems unfair to the Rowell's when they are stuck at home and can't get out. These workers are trying to get these roads cleaned off as quickly as possible. They are working against seemingly impossible odds with a storm like we have experienced. I'm sure that they are doing the best job possible, but they have to start somewhere and follow those guidelines.

Several years ago in the late 1970s, Kentucky endured several winters with a lot of snow. My aunt lived on a well travelled state highway. There had been no snowplows and the only snow removal had been done by local farmers. My aunt called to find out when the road would be plowed. She was informed thatthe 15 miles of road wasn't even on the priority list!

We would have loved to have had a spot on the priority list! However, that road served only local people since there were no towns, no businesses, and no direct connections to other places. We were fortunate to have friends and neighbors who attached blades to their trucks and tractors and cleaned enough of the road to provide at least one lane of somewhat passable road. After the interstates and main traffic roads were totally cleared, we finally saw a snowplow come through! It seemed like we had been snowed in forever.

-Sena Schaefer

This story was posted on 2016-01-23 10:20:54
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