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Update: Scooter found - a bit disoriented, but alive

Sunday morning brings a whole new day for Barnes family. Beloved family pet found, has now eaten food , and they report no ill effects. A huge turnaround from the despair in their message last night on CM, Family wants information on death of Shih Tzu, Scooter
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By Bob Barnes

To our amazement we found our pet alive this morning.

We searched with flashlight the last area the driver that had hit him had seen our Shih-Tzu, Scooter.

We quit looking around midnight.

This morning at daybreak I continued the search.

I was really expecting to find him deceased.

My search was just about to an end when I decided to check a barn on the opposite side of the road.

Sure enough he was in the barn.

He is a little bit disoriented but has already eaten food.

Thank you for your service in posting pet owners' concerns.

I know many times I have seen where, with the ColumbiaMagazine's help, you have helped find lost pets.

- Bob Barnes

This story was posted on 2015-06-14 08:14:37
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