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Adair County High School Class of 1965 - Graduates

Thanks to Darrell Overstreet for this list. Comments and updates welcome, respond using the COMMENTS BUTTON with this article
See also: Master List/Links to Many Graduating Lists from CM 7 County Area/Band Alumna

Linda Alexander, Margie Akin, Linda Kay Athchley, Waverly Marine Baker, Marla Jean Ballou, Jimmy T. Barbee, David Lee Bault;

James Ronald Bean, Bernadean Beard, Joanne Beard, Dale Bennett, Saundra Elaine Bennett, Rachel Biggs, Nancy Carol Black, Mary Nadene Bledsoe;

Linda Bragg, Fayrene Brray, Brenda Sue Breeding, Douglas Breeding, Larry Brock, Kerry Dean Brown, Robert Earl Bryant;

Joyce Burbridge, James Burris, Tony Ray Burris, Carolyn Sue Burton, Danny Lee Burton, Marion Diane Burton, Michael Douglas Burton, Patricia Ann Burton;

Phyllis Burton, Vicki Dale Burton, Glenda Kay Carney, Gerald Carter, Mary Helen Chapman, Brenda Price Cheatham, Carol Dean Cheatham, Wayne Stephens Cheatham;

Sharon Ann Chelf, Tudy Ann Chelf, J Leon Claywell, Benny Norris Coffey, Gene Allen Coffey, Barbara Lois Conover, James Coomer, Mary Montgomery Coomer;

Mildred Winnifred Coomer, Russell Coomer, Phyllis Cooper, Linda Joyce Corbin, Wendell Corbin, Marilyn Dean Cowan, Brad Cox, Judy Cunagin;

Annetta Kate Yvonne Curry, Doyle W. Curry, Joyce Carol Davis, Freeda Sue Dial, Phyllis Ann Dixon, Diana Lee Downey, Judy Taylor Downey, Linda Kay Downey;

Mary Ann Downey, Mike Downs, Marilyn Dudley, Mary Jane Dudley, Merlin Duncan, Glenn Thomas Edwards, Michael Earl Ellis, Martha England;

Peggy Sue England, Rudolph Estes, William Robert Feese, Mary Ellen Fones, Wanda Faye Frankum, Glenn Nolan Fudge, Karen Sue Gabehart, Minnie Linda Garnett;

Travis Giles, Donald Goodin, Roger Grant, Betty Lucille Grider, Joseph Michel Griffitt, Billie Kay Hadley, Dwight C. Hadley, Gerald Dwight Hadley;

Benny Hancock, Jay Reed Hancock, Joseph Lynn Hare, Cathy Ann Hayes, Diana E. Hempen, Rosemary Henson, James Terry Hodges, Willliam Joseph Holt;

James Richard Hood, Elvin Michael Hovious, Lora Lynn Huff, Helen Louise Humphress, Donna Elaine Hutchison, Gearoldine Irwin, Linda Kay Irwin, Edwin Glen Jackson;

Richarad Lee Janes, Brenda Keltner, Rayburn Keltner, Ralph Wayne Kemp, Harry Allen Kimbler, Coa Melgena Knifley, Leannah Ruth Lewis, Frances Elaine Long;

Samuel Loy, Nanette Mann, Jerry Bruce McCloud, Gail Burton McGaha, Vernice Dale McGahaa, Shirley Ann McWhorter, Roger Dale Melton, Carl Lewis Mings;

Freda Mary Ming, Darrell Lynn Morrison, Terry Morrison, Robert Regan Moss, Danny Myer, Linda Margaret Neat, James Gobel Newton, Darrell Overstreet;

Geraldine Page, Kenneth Dale Page, Donald Parker, Pat Parker, Billy Joe Parnell, Graham Britton Phillips, Bobbie Joyce Powell, Harry C. Pyles;

Eulonda June Reese, Gerald Wayne Reliford, Cynthia Riston, Howard Lewis Robertson, Jimmy Rogers, Ronald P. "Ronnie" Rogers, Bonnie Lee Rooks, Virginia Gail Rooks;

Carl Roy Sanders, Wayne Douglas Sapp, Terry Ray Seaborne, Linda Kay Selby, Gus Ronald Shepherd, Lawrence William Brock, Lawrence William Shuck, Phyllis A. Simpson, Dorinda L. Smith;

Joseph Wayne Smith, Roger Smith, Gayle Mae Spires, Richaard Stephens, Chelcie K. Stone, Donna Faye Tucker, Donnie Earl Tucker, Dorothy Sanders;

Jerry Lee Turner, Jerry Turnerm Judy Ann Van Arsdale, Johnny Vaughn, Wanda May Vaughn, Deline Vincent, David Watson, Steven Watson;

Larney Wesley, Freemaan Paaul West, Hubert Dale Watson, Vonda Lou Wingler, Charles Michael Woodrum, Jerry Watson, Zuel Sampson Yarberry Jr., Elizabeth Dimple Yates.

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