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Poetry by Robert Stone: Facades to cope

Facades to cope - a sonnet for a twenty-ninth birthday
Whenever wondering why all went wrong,
Everything enters heart and mind unsorted,
Nothing denied accepts defeat for long
Distance is detail but with truth aborted.

Easily entertaining tears that still pain,
Laughing and loving but relieving naught,
Longing and living with unwanted gain,
Constantly changing but with change unsought.

Only the ordinary shelters hope,
Merely remembering brings back the horror,
Pleasant and plentiful facades to cope,
Each of the elements hiding a sorrow.

Records are reckless random rough reminders
Yielding to yearnings for soothing light blinders.
- Robert Stone, 29 May 2014

A reflection on a poem by Timothy Frank Spruill:
Many Years a Slave
Cannot say, think or feel anything that would make it right or do it justice.
Cannot open up my heart and mind enough to contain what it really is.
Cannot reach back far enough to stamp it out.
Cannot reach out far enough beyond to end its wretched legacy.
Cannot sob enough to wash away its pain.
Cannot dance or laugh or write enough words to cover its stain.
Cannot outlive its horrors.
Cannot hope for its death.
Cannot do these things or any thing more because it lives in history;
And, thus, it shall remain.
- tfs 5/24/2014

This story was posted on 2014-06-01 04:43:35
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