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CAUD Board accepts bids on Phase 16 sewer bids

  • CAUD Board votes to accept bids on Sewer Press, Lift Stations and Lindsey Wilson Water Tank renovation, contingent on KIA loan for $125,00
  • Cleary, Cumberland Pipeline, and Caldwell Tanks are lower bidders
  • Danny Pyles will pour retention wall between wastewater plant and Wall Street
  • Cane Valley sewer project now needs only Dr. Arnold to sign need paperwork/li>
  • Tucker Woods project complete except for cleanup; Horsefeathers Lane delayed
  • New Silent Guard security system being installed
  • CAUD Office will be closed May 26 for Memorial Day observance

By Ed Waggener

Over a year of delay between the time funds were available and the time the Columbia/Adair Utilities District finally accepted grants and low interest loans for a critically needed sewer project has proven costly, but the project now appears finally underway, following action at the District's regular monthly meeting, Thursday, May 8, 2014 with all members, Chairman Robert Flowers, Treasurer Rudy Higginbotham, Vice Chairman Tim Baker, Barry Stotts, and David Jones present, along with General Manager Lenny Stone, Board Attorney Marshall Loy, Consulting engineer David Bowles, and Office Manger Jennifer Carter.

The Board accepted bids which came in $725,000 over budget, contingent on additional funding coming through. The cost will be born by taxpayers - the national kind in the case of a $600,000 additional grant from the EDA - by the local utility district in the case of the $125,000 which will be borrowed, quite probably through a low-interest Rural Development Administration authority.

The cost increase is credited to a change in the construction climate in the intervening year between when the project could have been bid and when it actually was. One year earlier, construction was in a lull; more contractors were after fewer jobs, and bids generally came in lower. In the ensuing year, some construction companies left the field; Lewis Garrison of Garrison Construction retired; and Southern Backhoe closed.

The low bids received were accepted on a 5-0 vote, contingent on expected funding through KIA, the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, include:
  • Treatment Plant Press - Awarded to Cleary Construction, Tompkinsville, KY - bid $1,688,000.00. Only one other bid, for $1,882,200.00 was entered.

  • Sewer System Improvements - Awarded to Cumberland Pipeline for $599,903.00. Only three other bids were received.

  • Tank renovation at Lindsey Wilson - Awarded to Caldwell Tanks, for $307,250.00, Caldwell Tanks was the only bidder for the work.
The board authorized Board Chairman Robert Flowers and treasurer Rudy Higginbotham to sign necessary documents with KIA to allow the projects to go forward. The board also authorized paperwork to be completed to accept the EDA $600,000 grant.

General Manager Lenny Stone told the board that the PSC would not be requiring an additional sewer rate increase because of the added cost of the project.

Phase 17 Sewer Plant flood and slide project

General Manager Lenny Stone reported that Danny Pyles will be completing the stabilization project to stop the slide on the steep hill between the waste water plant and Wall Street. The completion of the wall is expected to take approximately 2-4 weeks, Mr. Stone said. Pyles will be subcontracting the work from Dakota Meyer Enterprises.

Mr. Stone said the work on the Russell Creek stabilization is complete at the wastewater plant.

The Cane Valley Project still contingent on Dr. Arnold's signature

The Cane Valley Sewer Project, to provide sewer at Spectrum Academy, is now contingent only on Dr. Ben Arnold, owner of Spectrum Academy, signing paperwork for the grant. Mr. Stone said that is expected shortly and that it is the last hurdle in the financing secured with the help of Adair County CJE Ann Melton and Judy Keltner of Lake Cumberland Area District.

Tucker Woods project done except for cleanup

Mr. Stone reported that the Tucker Woods project, connecting new CAUD water customers in the Knifley area, is now complete except for cleanup. However, due to the harsh winter and extra maintenance needed this year, the Horsefeathers Lane project is being rescheduled.

New Security System being installed

A new Silent Guard Security has been purchased and will be installed in the next few weeks, Mr. Stone said.

He said that the utility continues to look at a Fixed Based Meter system, which can remotely monitor usage and allow office personnel to remotely turn meters on and off is being studied and might be installed, first in apartment and other rental complexes, and eventually system wide.

Office will be closed for Memorial Day

Mr. Stone announced that the CAUD offices at 109 Grant Lane, Columbia, KY, will be closed on Memorial Day, observed Monday, May 26, 2014.

This story was posted on 2014-05-12 07:56:17
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