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Amber Alert: Child Abduction Emergency issued

Two year old child abducted in Centerville, OH may be in danger. Kentucky State Police requested Amber Alert for NWS area served by Louisville, KY. Readers are urged to watch for Lime Green Ford Fiesta with Ohio License Plates and number FWJ2295.

The National Weather Service has issued an Amber Alert at the request of the Kentucky State Police at 3:45amCT, Thursday, May 8, 2014: "At the request of the Kentucky State police...The Kentucky emergency alert system is activated to assist in the broadcast of an amber alert.

"An amber alert has been declared...Repeating...An amber alert has been declared.

"An amber alert has been issued in Kentucky on the behalf of the Ohio Highway Patrol and Centerville, Ohio Police.A 2 year old male taken by his mother at approximately 8pmET from his residence in Centerville Ohio. Local police in Ohio believe the child is in danger to the mental status of the mother.

"The victim and suspect may be in a lime green Ford Fiesta with Ohio license plates and number fwj2295. The suspect is a 35 year old white female with blonde hair and blue eyes. Height is 5 foot 7 inches and weight 143 pounds. The victim is a 2 year old white male with brown hair and blue eyes. The victim is 2 feet tall and weighs 32 pounds.

If you have any information please call the centerville ohio police at 937-433-7661 or 911.

This story was posted on 2014-05-08 04:24:47
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