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Cynthia A. Meyer: Understands Kathryn Miller's point

'Yes! This is an election year. I have one vote, and intend to at least make it be heard.' - CYNTHIA A. MEYER
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By Cynthia A Meyer
Personal Commentary

I normally do not get wrapped up in the controversy of county politics.

Yes, we do live in a good community, but I understand Kathryn Miller's point.

There are issues about the politics in the county that even though the residents voice their opinions, and vote on it, things still get swept under the carpet.

Not to open a kettle of worms, but case in point - Westlake Hospital. Who were the watchdogs that were supposed to be watching the hen house while the fox cleaned it out? If enough wrong doing has been established to bring charges, something is wrong somewhere? Why are not the ones who allowed it to happen being held accountable as well?

The residents of the county are being made to pick up the slack of a hospital that was mismanaged to put it mildly. (Not only mismanagement of funds, but the hiring of unqualified family as staff as one example of Kathryn Miller's statement.)

We used to have a "free trash day" in areas of the county, so residents did not have to drive all the way to Columbia to wait hours for their turn at the transfer station. I called the County Judge Executive's office today to see if we were going to again have the "free trash day" in areas of the county, and was told there were no funds for it. - Our taxes go up, and our benefits get less.

One alternative to be considered is to have less perks for elected county officials. If they are elected to serve, then let them serve. I have to drive my own vehicle, and pay for my own gas to go to work. (Which are taxed and licensed in Adair County) So let all the elected officials drive their own vehicles, and pay for their own gas instead of taking it out of the pockets of the people of Adair County - just for starters!

I normally do not get wrapped up in the controversy of county politics. But when the taxes go up, the benefits get cut, one has to stop and ponder. Yes! This is an election year. I have one vote, and intend to at least make it be heard.

Thank you,
-Cynthia A Meyer
(please do not confuse my name with anyone who worked for Westlake Hospital, because we are not one and the same. I was born with this name, I did not marry into it)

This story was posted on 2014-03-06 11:26:04
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