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Chuck Hinman: IJMA. How and Where I Met God

Chuck Hinman: How and Where I Met God. Chuck stands in awe and thanks God for the panoramic show of the colorful Nebraska plain.
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By Chuck Hinman

How and Where I Met God

I have written about most everything involved in my growing up on a Nebraska farm in the 1930's except how and where I met God. You may say, "Oh that's too personal and I don't want to hear about it." It is indeed personal bur it came about very naturally and I am comfortable sharing it. Please understand this is the experience of a very uncomplicated little boy.

From the front porch that surrounded half of our house, we had a panoramic view of the colorful Nebraska plains up to twenty miles away. Even though we lived a few miles from Liberty, Nebraska, we could see the lights around the Welch Church community south of Wymore, Nebraska, and close to the Kansas state line. Night and day, we saw the many CB&Q freight and passenger trains as they crossed the countryside in the distance.

Beauty from profusion of colors and vegetation

The beauty was not that of a sea or mountain scape. It came from the profusion and artful blending of rich colors such as red, yellow, orange, purple, and gold, -- of the vegetation that dotted the landscape. Not only that but the view changed constantly as the sun made its daily trek around the world spotlighting nature's crown jewels. When you zoomed in to see what made up this breathtaking view you saw that it featured Nebraska's state flower -- goldenrod, lavender thistle, wild roses, and acres of gorgeous sumac that ran the gamut of reds, yellows, and orange according to the season -- all of it "eye-popping" at close range and a masterpiece at a distance.

And to think that we, the Hinman family, had box seats from our front porch for this daily extravaganza -- just blows my mind! How did we get anything done?

Sun going down was a lavish light show

It was part of my chores to find and bring the cows in for milking in the evening. Sport, our collie dog, went with me. The pasture land was rolling and the cows might be closer than I thought -- hidden behind a hill. My search for the cows took me to the highest point for miles from which the magnificent view of the countryside spread out from me in all directions.

The sun was going down and then, as if for a grand finale, not only was the landscape like a gorgeous peacock showing all its feathers, but even the sky was having a one of a kind light show. It was like all the instruments in a symphony orchestra had reached the grand finale and it was time for the thunderous applause. I looked around but as far as I could tell, Sport and I were the only audience for this grand show! Who would lavish such a show on just a little boy and his dog?

Thanking the creator who staged show for just a boy and his dog

I was so caught up in what I had seen that something caused me to stop in my tracks, look toward heaven and softly say "Oh God, whoever and wherever you are, only you could create something so beautiful. Thank you for all this beauty. Amen!"

In later years when I knew Jesus as my Savior, my mind often went back to the times as a little Nebraska farm kid, I stood in awe on the top of the hill in our pasture and acknowledged God as the creator of all that my eyes feasted on. And just to think that God staged this lavish show just for me and Sport. But, I have found -- that's just like God!

Written by Chuck Hinman, 3 April 2008.

This story was posted on 2013-09-22 04:01:24
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