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A Big Piece of History now in Place at Adair Co. Primary Center

The Columbia High School School Bell takes its place at Adair County Primary Center. Album. Click on headline for item with photo(s)
Click to A Big Piece of History going into Adair Co. Primary Center for a brief history on the Bell's Significance, with photo(s)

By Ed Waggener

The bell from Columbia High School is not permanently in place in its new home as the central art piece in the Adair County Primary Center foyer. Its move from the Maintenance Department's 350 Gen. John Adair Drive building, where Larry Johnson and members of the Adair County FFA carefully restored it, took place this morning between 9:30amCT, and 10:45amCT.

The accompanying photo album shows some of the highlights of the move. The bell will be rung on the opening of the school year each year, starting Wednesday, August 15, 2013, and each year thereafter, and for Christmas vacation, or to ring when the school has a very, very special occasion to celebrate, then Col. Casey Principal and now ACPC Principal Patty Jones said when the idea was first being considered.

The move brings to fruition an idea first conceived by Adair County School Board Chairman Floyd Burton, who thought the bell would make an important symbol of the great heritage of the Adair County school system.

This story was posted on 2013-07-30 15:02:34
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The old Columbia High Bell in place of honor at ACPC

2013-07-30 - ACPC, 158 Col. Casey Drive, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener.
Larry Johnson,
teacher in the Adair County High School Vo-Ag Department, affixes the bell-ringer wheel to the school bell from the old Columbia High School. The bell was installed this morning in the newest Adair County classroom building, Adair County Primary Center, in just over one hours time, though close calls during the painstaking process of moving it from storage in the maintenance department's 350 building to its place of honor in the entrance of the main school made it seem a lot longer. Johnson, whose avocation is antiques and antique restoration, took charge of bringing the bell back of to almost foundry new condition. The luster on the bell is from linseed oil, not paint. The restoration, the move, and the installation were a special project of the Adair County FFA. Both President President Jameson Keen and Treasury Cody Neat assisted in the process, along with members of Ricky Bault's Maintenance Department.

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Rigging crew considers next step moving 'Heck of a Bell'

2013-07-30 - ACPC, 158 Col. Casey Drive, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener. When the 'Heck of a Bell,',, the 700 lb. plus cast iron bell which is the art focal point of the new Adair County Primary Center arrived aboard a pickup, part of the crew involved in the one hour 15 minute process pondered the next step. The bell was lowered to a dolly and pushed by hand to the entrance. It was a tight squeeze. The bell assembly is 32" wide, but the 36" doors at the entrance of the school accommodated it, without a single scratch to the shiny new building. The group above includes from left, Ricky Bault, Mark Parnell, Jameson Keen, Project Coordinator and Vo-Ag Teacher Larry Johnson, (maintenance department member whose identity is awaited) and Cody Neat.
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The Bell at ACPC: Through glass doorway

2013-07-30 - ACPC, 158 Col. Casey Drive, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener. Bringing the 750 pound, 32" bell assembly through the 36" doorway at Adair County Primary Care wasn't as slow as moving a lighthouse inland, but it brought that procedure to mind. Directed by Project Coordinator Larry Johnson, back left, who was also part of the four manpower engine, the bell made it into ACPC without a single scratch on the door or building. ACPC offers some of the most dramatic outside views of any structure in Adair County. This front entrance passes the administration/reception area on one side, and the media area on the other. The media room (in olden days a "library") will be one of the last areas turned over to the school board.
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Guiding bell into cradle or yoke

2013-07-30 - ACPC, 158 Col. Casey Drive, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener. Junior Edrington of the Adair County School's Maintenance Department, left and Larry Johnson guided the bell onto it's yoke, or cradle. To raise the bell, one scissors lift had to be replaced because it's height would not allow full extension. The final maneuver was the genius of Mark Parnell, who provided the protocol of raising the bell above the level of the platform while the pipe from which it is suspended was located on the scissors truck near the front of the cage, forward in the photo, then, once elevation was reached, rolling the pipe forward, slowly until the bell was exactly over the cradle, then lowering the scissors lift until it was securely in place. The protocol was executed perfectly.
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Themed signs on dramatically changing AC School campus

2013-08-01 - ACPC, 158 Col. Casey Drive, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener. While watching the rigging crew install the old Columbia Grade Center Bell as the central art piece in the new Adair County Primary Center, the installation of a new sign stood out. It is consistent with the theme of same purpose signs at the other classroom buildings. Important events, achievements, and recognitions will be posted on the sign - and often photographed - by ACPC Principal Patty Jones, if the tradition carries over, as expected from Col. Wm Casey, the elementay school which has seen its last year of service. The Countdown to the First Day of Classes August 14, 2013, is now just 13 days. Clicking Readmore accesses the bell installation photo album.
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