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Peg Schaeffer cites KY Humane Society in Louisville, KY

"We have spayed/neutered so many dogs we're putting ourselves out of a job."

By Peg Schaeffer

Today I took two litters of puppies to the KY Humane Society in Louisville, KY. They have a very successful spay/neuter program and therefore their puppy room is empty. Their animal behaviorist told me "We have spayed/neutered so many dogs we're putting ourselves out of a job." Glad I'm not the only one who thinks like that.

They do pediatric spay/neuter so even puppies are altered before they leave the shelter. They also have a program called "Star" where people can surrender the dog to the shelter. They notify the owner when the pet is adopted and if the owner changes their mind they can take their dog back at no cost. Peg Schaeffer, founder & president, Sugarfoot Farm Rescue, 860 Sparksville Road, Columbia, KY

This story was posted on 2013-03-12 19:17:14
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