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Adair Future Business Leaders win school record regional awards

State Competition is next. Local chapter receives 5 first place awards and one second place award. Attending Regional Competition from Adair County High School were Jakob Turner, Jonathon Burbridge, Eli Jackson, Noah Polston, Aaron Taylor, Riley Grant, Sara Davis, Jordan Humphress, Heather Jackson, Alex Durham, Rikki Neat, Ben Franklin, Matt Rogers, Ashton Nixon, Abby Walker, and Karen Upchurch
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By Heather Jackson
News from the Adair County High School FBLA chapter

Adair County High School's Future Business Leaders of America set a school record this weekend, securing six spots in state finals. The regional competition held at Eastern Kentucky University on Friday, March 8, 2013, marked the most 1st place awards that the Adair FBLA chapter had ever garnered at the regional level.

The FBLA Seniors were well-represented at EKU on Friday. Club President Heather Jackson placed 1st in her Impromptu Speaking competition, making this the 4th year Jackson has qualified for state finals. Alex Durham will be making his state premiere this year after placing 2nd in the Sports Management test. Ben Franklin will take his third state qualification in the Personal Finance competition after taking 1st in the event.

Underclassmen made a very impressive start for FBLA. 10th grader Riley Grant secured his first state qualification after placing 1st in the Business Math written competition. Another sophomore making an FBLA debut, Rikki Michelle Neat placed 1st in the Introduction to Communication written test. The youngest representative from Adair County High, freshman Eli Jackson placed 1st in his Introduction to Technology Concepts competition.

In all, five 1st placed trophies and one 2nd place trophy were earned by the Adair FBLA chapter. All six competitors will advance to the state competition which will be held April 8th-10th at The Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky. - Heather Jackson Attending: Jakob Turner, Jonathon Burbridge, Eli Jackson, Noah Polston, Aaron Taylor, Riley Grant, Sara Davis, Jordan Humphress, Heather Jackson, Alex Durham, Rikki Neat, Ben Franklin, Matt Rogers, Ashton Nixon, Abby Walker, and Karen Upchurch.

This story was posted on 2013-03-12 03:44:54
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ACHS FBLA brings home record number of wins

2013-03-12 - Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY - Photo from Heather Jackson, ACHS FBLA.
Adair County High School Future Business Leaders of America
won a record number of awards at Regional Competition in Richmond, KY on Friday, March 8, 2013.Front row, from left: Sara Davis, Jordan Humphress, Heather Jackson, Alex Durham, Rikki Neat, Ben Franklin, and Matt Rogers.Second row: Eli Jackson, Noah Polston, Aaron Taylor, and Riley Grant. Back row Jakob Turner and Jonathon Burbridge. Not pictured: Ashton Nixon, Abby Walker, and Karen Upchurch. - Heather Jackson

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