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Officials brace for possible strong to severe storms

By Buddy Rogers and Monica French
News from Kentucky State Government

FRANKFORT, KY (January 29, 2013) - State and local officials continue tracking a strong storm system as it approaches the Commonwealth. Kentucky Emergency Management (KYEM) is working with the National Weather Service to discuss the threat and capability of this severe weather system.

Much of the risk to the Commonwealth will come during the overnight hours. The system carries a risk for tornadoes, as well as damaging winds and heavy rainfall that could produce flash flooding in low lying areas along small streams and creeks.

This storm system is expected to reach western Kentucky early Tuesday evening and move across the Commonwealth overnight, making it particularly dangerous for citizens who may be sleeping when the worst weather arrives.

KYEM strongly advises everyone to refresh the batteries in and monitor weather alert radios and be prepared to take appropriate safety measures should a warning be issued for your area. Be sure to have your emergency kit nearby, including a flashlight and battery-powered or hand-crank AM/FM radio. Monitor local media for updated forecasts, information and alert notifications.

Should you encounter a downed power line, do not approach it. Call your utility provider.

While travelling, if you encounter water over a roadway, STOP, TURN AROUND DON'T DROWN! Find an alternate route.

Weather safety tips and weather alerts, can be found on the KYEM website at and at, which also has regional weather forecasts.

Travel conditions across the Commonwealth can be found at

This story was posted on 2013-01-29 20:03:16
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