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Unknown person(s) damages bookmobile; it's off road today, tomorrow

Public reminded that when library is closed, parking lot is closed. Bookmobile damaged by unknown individual. Bookmobile parked today and tomorrow. Harvey Ellis will be assessing the damage to see when it can be roadworthy,It's all a matter of safety: New bookmobile suffers significant damage while parked in lot. Library director stresses what should have been obvious - that when the library is closed, the parking lot is closed.

Special CM Story

The Adair County Public Library's beautiful new bookmobile suffered significant damage during last week's ice storm, and officials want anyone with information on the incident to report it to 270-284-2472.

Because of the damage, the bookmobile is out of service today, Monday, January 29, 2013, and tomorrow, while it is being checked out for roadworthiness at Harvey Ellis, and while the library is negotiating with its insurance carrier, according to Lee Ann Jessie, the library director.

Ms. Jessie said that the incident is regrettable and wished to use this means to let everyone know what had been considered obvious. "The Adair County Public Library Board and staff would like to let everyone know that when the library closes due to bad weather, that also means the parking lot is closed."

The library also wants everyone to know that deadlines for return materials are extended when the library is closed. "Any books or materials that are due that day will be extended so that no one will be in harm's way," she said. The staff at the library does its best to let the public know through the media when there are closings, she said. If there is any doubt about whether the library is open or closed, she said, patrons can also call 270-384-2472. The Adair Public Library is located at 307 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY. The library's current hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pmCT, and Saturdays, 8am-12pm noon CT. Those hours are subject to change following a review of a survey which had a Friday, January 25, 2013 deadline. - CM

This story was posted on 2013-01-28 10:38:13
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