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Poetry by Robert Stone: Monster puppeteer, a sonnet

Monster puppeteer
- a sonnet reflecting on "Death and the Maiden," a play by Ariel Dorfman
The hurt of many years ago still burns
enough to sometimes fantasize revenge
and while detail both sharp and clear returns,
no resolution satisfies each binge.

A chance encounter may provide a while
when victim has the upper hand to play
and while all outcomes mind and mood beguile,
no ending shows one how injustice slay.

Forgiving and forgetting need new ground
with future choices strong with growing pull
and while achievements doubters may astound,
no last resolve of hope fills future full.

You but create your monster puppeteer
when you see justice as inflicting fear.

- Robert Stone, 16 September 2012
The next earlier Robert Stone Poem: Poetry by Robert Stone: Where you draw the line

This story was posted on 2012-09-16 10:12:32
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