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One Man's Love for His Family and Ancestral Community

Submitted by Carol Cox
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A member of the Grider family whose history is rich in the New Concord community of Adair County has recently presented a monument in the Concord Cemetery at New Concord.

The monument is to honor members of his Lepiarczyk family. Mr. Erwin Heinrich Lepiarczyk II, a resident of Churchill Place, is very proud of his New Concord heritage. His mother was born and grew up in the Concord community, near Garlin; before it became known as New Concord. Mr. Lepiarczyk's grandfather and great-grandmother, Daniel Marion Grider (1888-1949) and Mary Margaret Bryant Grider (1846-1936), were the first members of his branch of the Grider family to live at Concord.

They had moved to the Concord community from White Oak, near Roy, after 1909. Many Grider family members had lived in the Concord community before the 20th century. The Grider Cemetery in the New Concord community is one of the oldest landmarks of the New Concord community.

Luther Grider (1876-1954), a cousin of Mr. Lepiarczyk, deeded to the Methodist Church, land on which the New Concord Community Church now stands. Luther Grider also deeded land for the Concord Cemetery, which was managed by a board of trustees: Robert Jefferson Bailey (1889-1954), Joe Wood Grider (1902-1981), and James Addison Richards (1866-1957). The contributions of the Grider family to the New Concord community are quite profound.

Most of the teachers of Mr. Lepiarczyk's mother, Mrs. Gerhard Lepiarczyk, at the Concord School were Grider family relatives, namely Mrs. Joe Wood Grider (1904-1992), Mrs. George Avalee Richards (1905-1980), and Miss Stella Richards (1898-1985). The Concord School was a landmark in the Concord community for most of the 20th century. In fact, Stella Ray Richards attended Concord School in her youth during the early 20th century. Church services were held in the Concord School for many years until the New Concord Methodist Church was built in 1943. The church was dedicated in 1946.

The Concord Cemetery, 7 Cecil Blair Road, has many Grider family members' graves. The grave of Victoria Elizabeth Grider Richards (1867-1946) is the first in the cemetery. The most recent grave in the cemetery is that of Kazimierz Rusek (1922-2011).

Victoria Richards is the half-great-aunt of Erwin Lepiarczyk. Kazimierz Rusek is the godfather of Erwin Lepiarczyk.

The graves of Erwin Lepiarczyk's grandfather and grandmother are also in the Concord Cemetery, Daniel Grider and Effie Burton Grider (1896-1987).

The grave of Erwin's aunt, Nona Marie Grider Cook (1924-1996) is in the cemetery as well.

The graves of cemetery charter trustee, James Richards, and Erwin's half-great-aunt, Victoria Richards, are next to the newest monument in the cemetery's Richards family lot. Most of the graves in the Concord Cemetery are of Erwin Lepiarczyk's family members and kin.

It is only natural that Erwin Lepiarczyk has purchased a beautiful monument for members of his Lepiarczyk family which was erected in July, in the Concord Cemetery.

Erwin Lepiarczyk is thankful that he is blessed to have contributed an elegant and tasteful monument to the Concord Cemetery landscape.

The monument is a gift of love for his family and the New Concord community. The monument was a labor of love for the McKinley Monument Company owner, Mr. Mark McKinley, and Erwin Lepiarczyk to design and bring to fruition.

The character and pride of the New Concord community would not be what it is today without the Grider family's presence. May God bless all members of the Grider family and the New Concord community always. - Carol Cox

This story was posted on 2012-08-27 05:32:03
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New Concord Church, beside site of Lepiarczyk monument

2012-08-27 - 15 Cecil Blair Road, Columbia, KY - Photo by Mr. Erwin Lepiarcyzk. The magnificent Lepiarczyk Monment is located beside New Concord Community Church, above, at 15 Cecil Blair Road, Columbia, KY, between the Adair County Communities of Garlin and Craycraft.
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The Lepiarczyk Monument, New Concord Cemetery

2012-08-27 - 7 Cecil Blair Road, Columbia, KY - Photo by Mr. William Dale Cox. This photograph is of Erwin Lepiarczyk at the gravesite of Kazimierz Rusek. Mr. Lepiarczyk a tall man himself, stands beside the Lepiarczyk monument he erected in honor of his family members to be buried in the New Concord Cemetery. It's big, described by one person as about the size of a sub compact car.
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New Concord Cemetery: Grider headstones

2012-08-27 - 7 Cecil Blair Road, Columbia, KY - Photo by Mr. William Dale Cox. This second photograph is of Erwin Lepiarczyk at the gravesite of Luther Grider. - Carol Cox
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