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JIM/Mike Watson: The DAR Marker mystery solved

The following is a follow up to the photo of the DAR marker on the Courthouse lawn, which appeared in CM on 4 July 2012... Submitted by Mike and Jim


Following is a bit of the history of the DAR Marker, located on the Courthouse lawn, dedicated in June 1942, on Flag Day, in honor of the Revolutionary War veterans who helped settle Adair County. It is interesting to note that this was soon after the United States had become officially embroiled in the Second World War, the attack on Pearl Harbor having been a mere six months previous.

DAR Chapter to Place Historic Marker Here

Jane Lampton Chapter D.A.R. is cooperating with the State Sesquicentennial Committee in placing a marker on the grass plat which surrounds the Court House. The marker, a bronze tablet mounted on a native limestone boulder, will commemorate the settlement of Adair County by the Revolutionary War soldiers. The date for the unveiling has not been decided upon. From: The Adair County News, 15 April 1942

D.A.R. Chapter to Unveil Marker

Adair Revolutionary Soldiers Will Be Honored As Part of State Sesquicentennial Program.

Ceremony Set For Flag Day

The Jane Lampton Chapter, D.A.R., will participate in the State-wide Sesquicentennial program by unveiling a marker to commemorate the Revolutionary War soldiers who settled Adair County, on Sunday afternoon, June 14, at 4:30 o'clock.

The marker will be placed on the terrace around the Court House which faces Burkesville Street. The Square will be roped off on that side and the service will be held there. A short program has been arranged by the Chapter at which Miss Sallie Baker, Regent, will preside.

Invitations have been issued all the sister chapters in the State and to the State officials who are connected to the Sesquicentennial program.

The selection of Flag Day for the service is appropriate and a feature of the program will be to honor the Flag.

All the citizens of Adair County are cordially invited to attend and a large number of people are expected for the ceremonies which will be held from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock.

From: The Adair County News, June 10, 1942

D.A.R. Chapter Unveils Monument to Adair Revolutionary Soldiers

Sunday afternoon at 4:30, on the Public Square an impressive ceremony was given in which a monument to the Revolutionary War Soldiers who had a part in the founding of Adair County, was dedicated. The monument is made from a native limestone boulder on which a bronze marker with the inscription on it, is placed. This monument is on the Public Square on the South side of the Court House, facing Burkesville Street. The Monument was erected by the Jane Lampton Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and was dedicated on June 14, in commemoration of National Flag Day and the Sesquicentennial of Kentucky.

The following program was given:
Call to colors--Miss Louise Knifley
Presentation of Flag--Mr. Azro Hadley Pages--Misses Frances Cundiff and Nancy Lowe
Tribute--Mrs. Horace Cundiff
Dedication--Miss Sallie Baker
Floral Tribute--Mary Ritchey Lowe
Benediction--Mrs. Nat Walker
Taps--Miss Louise Knifley
The committee on arrangements of the program was Miss Mary Lucy Lowe, Miss Katie Murrell, Mrs. Ray Flowers, Mrs. J. Pendleton Scruggs, Mrs. G.R. Reed, and Mrs. W.J. Flowers. Miss Sallie Baker is Chapter Regent.

The stone work is a gift of Mr. Evan D. Roberts.
Pledge to Flag--led by Eugene Willis
"Star Spangled Banner"--Audience
Scripture--Rev. L.R. Fugit
Prayer--Rev. R.E. Reeves
Greetings--Miss Sallie Baker, Chapter Regent
Address--Ralph Hurt
"My Old Kentucky Home"--Audience
Roster of Revolutionary War Soldiers Who Settled Adair County--Miss Elva Goodhue
Unveiling of Marker
A number of guests from neighboring towns were present.

From: The Adair County News, June 17, 1942

Compiled by Mike Watson & JIM, the history cousins

This story was posted on 2012-07-14 09:31:47
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