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Adair Fiscal Court regular meeting report, June 12, 2012

In last night's Adair Fiscal Court meeting
  • Biggest budget in history hit hard by deficits at jail, 911, dog pound
  • Barry Stotts appointed to CAUD board
  • County treasury at $981,386.52 at end of May 2012
  • Jailer Wilson reports net billings of $59,19987 for May 2012
  • Building inspector to be given 10 days to meet with committee or be replaced
  • Nuisance complainants asked to file grievances formally
  • Many changes made to county road system
  • Wrecker rotation dispute aired
  • Seven recognized as Locks of Love donors
  • Roadway cleanup over for now; going well. Will resume in fall
  • Synthetic marijuana ordinance repealed
  • Court tightens requirements for funding requests
  • Routine matters passed routinely

By Ed Waggener

The Budget: County General Fund hit hardest by Jail deficits, GRAS deficits; to lesser extent, 911; but it's balanced, and there are bright spots in many areas.

Judge Ann Melton reviewed the proposed $5,391,840.37 budget for 2012-2013, which will be balanced after overcoming major deficits in three areas, the jail, 911, and the dog pound. The budget is up $231,222.22 over the 2011-2012 budget, which was the first over $5 million in county history. As required by state law, it is a balanced budget. The budget's first reading was approved 7-0 on a motion by Magistrate Billy Dean Coffey (5), with a second by Billy Rowe (7), with all remaining magistrates, Harold Burton (1), Daryl Flatt (2), Sammy Baker (3), Perry Reeder (4), and Joe Rogers (6) affirming the action.

The budget is up $231,222.22 over the 2011-2012 budget, which was the first over $5 million in county history. As required by state law, it is a balanced budget.

  1. $496,550.00 deficit at jail The Jail's continuing cost to the county is projected to be $496,550.00 for the 2012-2013 year, which is the amount to be transferred from the General Fund to the Jail Fund in the coming year. It is a figure which could be even higher were it not for tight management by Jailer RIck Wilson, who was commended by Judge Melton for the job he is doing.

  2. $107,770.00 deficit for 911 centerThe 911 budget calls for the county to transfer $107,770.00 from the General Fund to the 911 Fund. The 911 total budget is projected at $376,970.00 for the coming year.

  3. $92,665.00 deficit at GRAS - 92.67% of budget! The Green River Animal Shelter is projecting a 92.67% operating deficit. Of the projected $100,765.00 operating cost for the shelter, which now serves only Adair County on a part time schedule, $92,665,00 will be transferred from the General Fund to help fund the shelter.
Areas were costs are going up include for the dog warden, up $6,000.00; for the Adair County Judicial Center, but it's a pass through, re-imbursed by the State; legal fees, a result of both the hospital disaster in the making and settlements from issues from former Sheriff Ralph Curry's tenures relative to overtime pay for deputies; for uniform expenses for the road crew, up $10,000; for magistrate travel, and cost of training new magistrates and for parks and recreation.

Elsewhere, the budget has some bright spots. With gas tax revenues up, the Road Fund is expected to do well this year to fair much better, by about $220,000, due to increased Kentucky Transportation Cabinet funding. The road department will no longer have lease payments on a trackhoe. The Adair Annex has been paid off, saving over $50,000 per year, and many other savings, of a lesser amount, are being realized.

The court is being called into Special Session on Thursday, June 14, 2012, at 8:30amCT, in the Adair Annex, 424 Public Square, Columbia, KY, with only one item on the agenda, to give final approval to a budget. A complete copy of the proposed budget is available at the the office of the Adair County Judge Executive, Suite 1, in the Annex.

Barry Stotts appointed to replace Danny Downey on water board

Judge Ann Melton recommended Barry Stotts be appointed to a four year term on the Columbia/Adair County Utilities District (CAUD) Board, to replace Danny Downey, whose term is expiring. Downey is currently the chairman of the District Board. The recommendation was approved 4-3, on a motion by Perry Reeder (4), with a second by Joe Rogers (6), who were joined by Magistrates Billy Dean Coffey (5), and Harold Burton (1) for the winning vote. Magistrates Sammy Baker (3), Daryl Flatt (2), and Billy Rowe (7), voted no.

County treasury at $981,386.52

County Treasurer Barry Corbin reported that the reconciled balances in all county funds as of May 31, 2012, was $981,386.52. The report was unanimously approved, 7-0, as were requests for budget transfers for end of the year accounting and for advance approval of budget transfers which may be needed in the coming month.

Jailer Wilson reports net billings of $59,19987 for May 2012

Adair County Jailer Rick Wilson reported total billings of $86,533.34 for May 2012, and noted that the jail's operating deficit is being increased by a number of factors. He said that more Adair Countians are being incarcerated due to the increasing number of methamphetamine abuse cases. While that is happening, Cumberland County inmates are only a fraction of what they had been being. The number of state prisoners is also down, he said. After taking off $35,758.94 for Adair County inmates, and adding in the booking fees, per diem fees which prisoners pay for the honor of incarceration, the county's net was $59,199.87. The report was unanimously approved, 7-0.

The court also approved changes to the jails policies and procedures manual, in unanimous votes.

Building Inspector will be given 10 days to respond

The court voted last night, 7-0, to authorize the Building Inspector Committee members Daryl Flatt (2), Joe Rogers (6), and Sammy Baker (3) to send a letter to Carly Fudge, Building Inspector, notifying him to either be available for an interview or be dismissed as building inspector for the county.

According to Committee Chairman Daryl Flatt, Mr. Fudge had failed to be available on three occasions when offered the chance to explain charges for building inspections.

The committee was authorized to let the State temporarily take over inspections. Magistrate Sammy Baker said that the county should investigate the possibility of having a county employee do the inspections, with the revenues coming to the county. The vote was 7-0 to authorize the letter.

Nuisance complainants asked to file grievances formally

Edgar Hancock appears before court with unnecessary noise complaint

Citizen Edgar Hancock was instructed to file a formal complaint with the Nuisance Committee after appearing before the Court on a matter related to what he says is unneccessary noise in his neighborhood. Hancock said that he had to go to California to find work, but chose to retire to Columbia, and needs relief from unnecessary noise caused by large trucks and a school bus driven by neighbors.

Judge Melton and County Attorney Jennifer Hutchison told Mr. Hancock that the county now has a Nuisance Ordinance with procedures to resolve complaints. He was told to come to the County Judge's office, Suite 1, Adair Annex, 424 Public Square, Columbia, KY and file a formal complaint. The matter will then be resolved by the Court's Nuisance Committee.

Complainants of trailer nuisance also directed to file formally

Two residents of the Long Hunters area appeared before the court to complain of trailers in their neighborhood which have become nuisances, they said, and were also directed to come to the County Judge Executive's office and file formal complaints with the assistance of administrative assistant Lisa Greer. The trailers are owned by Randy Murray.

Many changes made to county road system

Adair County 911 Mapping and Addressing Coordinator Justin Bailey presided over the Reading of the Roads segment of the Adair Fiscal Court meeting, in which 16 changes were speedily approved by 7-0 roll call votes with all magistrates voting for the actions, which include:

Second Readings

  • In District 1 - Magistrate Harold Burton: Change County maintained portion of Estel Asburry Road to Tamarack Road
  • In District 3 - Magistrate Sammy Baker: 1) Name change of Akin Road to J W Murrell Road. 2) Peterson Way off Glenn Bennett Road established as private passageway
  • In District 6 - Magistrate Joe Rogers: Wildcat Drive off Brockman Road, established as private passageway.
  • in District 7 - Magistrate Billy Rowe: Establish 25 MPH Limit on 1) T.P. Cundiff Road, and 2) Half Acre Road
First Readings

  • In District 1 - Magistrate Harold Burton: Add Lincoln Drive off Liberty Road to County Maintenance
  • In District 2 - Magistrate Daryl Flatt: 1) Establish Elizabeth Drive off Greenhills Road as a Private Passageway. 2) Lower Speed Limit to 25 MPH on a) Coppage Road and, b) Birch Road. Also, 3) Authorize Stop sign at Otha Bryant end of Birch Road.
  • In District 5- Magistrate Billy Dean Coffey: Add to County Maintenance 1) Emerald Drive off Greensburg Road, and 2) Akin Acres off Greensburg Road. Also: Relocate segments of Mockingbird Road.
  • In District 6 - Magistrate Joe Rogers: add Day Lily Lane off Cane Valley Road and Tulip Lane off Robertson Road to County Maintenance.
Each of the measures above was introduced by the magistrates.

Wrecker rotation dispute

Paul Reynolds came before the court to protest rotations of wrecker requests by police and 911. Reynolds alleged favoritism for Lynn's Service Center, a charge which was denied by Sheriff Harrison Moss, who is a member of the 911 oversight board. Judge Ann Melton allowed Reynolds to present his case, which he had also made to the Columbia City Council on Monday evening, June 04, 2012. Reynolds charged that after that protest, he was summarily dismissed from the rotation list for "harassing behavior" toward police officers. He showed the copy of the unsigned letter he had received from the 911 directors. Sheriff Moss said that he was uncertain why the letter was unsigned, but that he, Chief Jason Cross, and Tony Bragg, the three members of the board, had asked that it be sent.

Magistrate Sammy Baker (3) was concerned that while a rotation list was to have been in effect, the majority of the wrecker calls by police went to one vendor, Lynn's Service Center. "It's suspicious," he said.

Sheriff Moss countered that the reason for that was that Lynn's had a higher following, and that personal preferences.

Mr. Reynolds showed book of grievances he was compiling, and indicated action would be taken if the service calls were not meted out in a fair manner.

Sheriff Moss told the court that the 911 directors would be willing to meet with the court at any time and welcomed any questions on the matter.

Court votes to continue buying on state contract

At Judge Meltons recommendation, the county voted to use the State Contract for buying asphalt, gravel, and oil. The system has worked well so far, Judge Melton said.

Seven recognized as Locks of Love donors

Seven young girls were recognized for contributing to Locks of Love at last night's Adair Fiscal Court meeting. Those honored were:
  • Kalli Bailey daughter of Justin and Bridget Bailey
  • Emily Rose Burton daughter of Keith Burton and Tammy Burton
  • Kelli Claypool honored in abstentia
  • Lauren McQuaide daughter of Glenn McQuaide and Mary Ann McQuaide
  • Alison Burton daughter of Annette Burton and Eddie Burton, honored in abstentia.
  • Katlyn Stotts daughter of Patricia Tutman and Andrew Tutman
  • Emma Claire Tutman daughter of Patricia Tutman and Andrew Tutman
Each was presented a certificate and presented a tee shirt honoring their contribution.

Roadway cleanup over for now; going well. Will resume in fall

Adair County Solid Waste Coordinator A. L. Sinclair reported that 96 miles of roadway in Adair County had been cleaned with 304 bags of trash removed for the most recent month. He said that the pickup had gone better than ever, and commended the inmates who helped, calling them the best crew he's ever had. Sinclair said that the along the county's highways is now complete, but enough money has been reserved to have another round of clean-ups in the fall.

County's synthetic marijuana ordinance repealed

The court unanimously voted to repeal a county ordinance outlawing synthethic marijuana because a new state law makes the ordinance unneccessary, Judge Melton said.

Court tightens requirements for funding requests

The court approved a proposal requiring any entity and/or entities requesting funding from the fiscal court to present a financial statement and budget before making the request. The 7-0 vote came on a motion by Daryl Flatt (2), with a second by Harold Burton (1). Magistrate Flatt has made accountability a personal cause; the reform is in large part a result of his insistence on transparency by groups seeking financial aid from the court.

Routine matters passed routinely

The magistrates unanimously approved the minutes of the last meeting, bills and additions, for the "blue form" for reimbursements by the state for the operation of the Adair Judicial Center, a court order for the "pass through" of $10,169.49 cents for the Ambulance service, and the road work.

Court adjourned at 9:07pmCT

The court adjourned after 2 hours 7 minutes in session, which included one requested break.

End of Report for June 12, 2012 Meeting

Regular monthly Adair County Fiscal Court meetings are held at7:00pmCT, each second Tuesday. The meetings are open to thepublic.
To match officials and faces, click to Inauguration 2011

Adair County Judge Executive Ann Melton
421 Public Square, Suite 1, Columbia, KY 42728
Phone 270-384-4703; Fax 270-384-9754

  • Adair County Attorney Jennifer Hutchison-Corbin (2000)
  • Adair County Coroner Todd Akin (20011
  • Adair County Court Clerk Sheila Blair (2007)
  • Adair County Circuit Court Clerk Dennis Loy
  • Adair County Jailer Rick Wilson (2011)
  • Adair County PVA Wm. Feese, Jr.
  • Adair County Sheriff Harrison Moss
  • Adair County Surveyor Mike McKinney

  • County Judge Executive Ann Melton (2007) is a voting member ofFiscal Court and may vote on all proposals before the court; Office:Adair Courthouse Annex
Magistrates on the Adair County Fiscal Court:
  • District 1: Harold Burton (2011)
  • District 2: Daryl Flatt (2011)
  • District 3: Sammy Baker (2007)
  • District 4: Perry Reeder (2007)
  • District 5: Billy Dean Coffey (Feb. 2005) (270) 384-4201
  • District 6: Joe Rogers (1990)
  • District 7: Billy Rowe (2011)
Adair County Constables
  • District 1: William "Bill" Troutwine
  • District 2: Shannon Rowe (2011)
  • District 3: Robert R. Loy
  • District 4: Chris Janes (2011)
  • District 5: Tim Bottoms
  • District 6: Jason T. Rector
  • District 7: Joe Collins, Jr.

  • Adair County Finance Officer, Fiscal Court Clerk Gale Cowan
  • Adair County Judge Administrative Assistant Lisa Lee
  • Adair County Mapping and Addressing Coordinator Justin Bailey
  • Adair Co. Disaster Management Coordinator Greg Thomas
  • Adair County Treasurer Barry Corbin
  • Adair County Roads Supervisor Jobe Darnell
  • Adair County Dog Warden Jimmy Harmon
  • Adair County Solid Waste Coordinator A.L. Sinclair

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This story was posted on 2012-06-13 05:43:04
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Fiscal Court recognizes Locks of Love donors

2012-06-13 - Adair Annex, 424 Public Square, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener. The Adair County Fiscal Court recognizes heroes: Adair County Judge Ann Melton presented hero certificates to Locks of Love donors at last night's regular meeting of Adair Fiscal Court. From left Emma Claire Tutman, Caitlyn Stotts, Lauren McQuaide, Emily Rose Burton, and Kalli Bailey. Seated behind them are Magistrates Perry Reeder (1), Sammy Baker (3), and Daryl Flatt (2). Also recognized as heroes, but not present, were Kelli Claypool, Allison Burton, and Katlyn Stotts.
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Caitlyn Stotts gets special tee, special attention from Ann

2012-06-13 - Adair Annex, 424 Public Square, Columbia, KY - Photo by Ed Waggener. Judge Ann Melton presents a special tee to Locks of Love donor Caitlyn Stotts as, From left, standing, Lauren McQuaide, Emily Rose Burton, and Kalli Bailey, along with Magistrate Harold Burton (1) seated at left and Sheriff Harrison Moss, look on. The presentations are always received with delight by the court, audience, and are an obvious pleasure for Judge Melton. The honorees all gave beautiful locks of hair to be used for wigs for kids who have hair loss during cancer treatments.
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Green River Animal Shelter: Big item in County Budget

2012-06-17 - Photo by Ed Waggener.
The Green River Animal Shelter now operating three days a week, is one of three - along with the Adair County Jail and the 911 Center - major areas of County Government which require infusions of cash from the county's general fund to operate. The budget was a major item on the long, Tuesday evening, June 12, 2012 June regular session. The full report, posted Wednesday morning, June 13, accompanies this photo. Behind the animal shelter is fencing around the Adair Youth Development Center, and along the top, a car can be seen on Jamestown Street.

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