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(NBM) Never a Bad Meal: Comment on Swan Quarter, NC

Family 'fun' (an obscene word in lots of folks' thinking) - whether kids wanted it or not - meant three weeks of sunburn, mosquitoes, sandspurs and sand in sheet
Comments about: Opinions sought: I never got a bad meal at . . .

By Charles Marshburn

Swan Quarter NC comment:

Never got to taste the fried oysters or the soggy fries.

My Uncle Roy would not eat in restaurants where folks he didn't know cooked and served.

Aunt Ann would pack a huge lunch consisting of fried chicken, country ham biscuits, potato salad, deviled eggs, corn bread, and so on and so forth while we waited for the ferry.

Our destination was the beach! We had to suffer for three weeks every summer from sunburn, mosquitoes, sandspurs and sand in our sheets at night at Aunt Katy's cottage.

That was early 1950's. Only the swimming, fishing and beach combing lifted our spoiled spirits. - Charles Marshburn

This story was posted on 2012-04-02 06:26:05
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