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Mr. Watson corroborates JIM theory on 1900s UB Church site

Mike Watson traces deeds. Current Praise Assembly, original Columbia First Church of the Nazarene at 310 Jamestown Hill was site of the United Brethren Church in Columbia in early 1900s.


A big tip of the hat goes to Adair County's most intrepid history detective, Mr. Mike Watson, for his research concerning the location of the Jamestown Street United Brethren in Church building.

Shortly after the article about the church appeared, Bro. Mike mentioned that on his next trip to Columbia, he would run deeds to see if the building site could be pinpointed. A few days later, he wrote again, laying out what he'd found. This is used with Mike's permission:In 1906, Scott Montgomery & wife Letitia sold a lot "for $150 to be paid by C.R. Dean, A. Whitten, J.M. Turner, Jr., T.R. Stults, Wm. F. Jeffries, Trustees of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ..." The lot contained 57 square poles; adjoining properties mentioned were those of J.W. Walker & Mrs. Charlotte Collins. (C.R. Dean, A.W. Whitten, and J.M. Turner were United Brethren ministers; T.R. Stults and W.F. Jeffries were Columbia business men. Fifty-seven square poles is about 0.35 acres.)

In 1919, "J.M. Turner, J.A. Troutman and A.L. Garrett, Trustees of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ" sold to T.G. Rasner the same property for $663.67. This deed mentioned the same adjoining properties and the 57 square poles. (The News reported the sum as "about $800."

In late February or early March, 1924, T.G. Rasner and Mary Rasner, of Burnside, sold the property for $2,000 to '' John Darnell, Levi Morgan and Finis Phelps, Trustees in trust for the Church of the Nazarene..." This deed again refers to the adjoining Walker & Collins properties and the 57 square poles. (In 1934, a lien release dated December, 1930 for the above was recorded for "lot on Jamestown Street."

In closing, Mike wrote:

"So...the old Nazarene Church on Jamestown Street was the site of the UBC in Columbia. I did not run deeds to present, but Nazarene Church was in same location until the new church was constructed out past the Parkway on 55 South, in the 1980s (I'm fairly sure)."


This story was posted on 2012-01-30 07:49:16
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