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Mr. Charles Walter Hibbard, Taylor Co., KY (1921-2011)

He had made a profession of faith in Christ and was a member of the South Summersville Baptist Church. He was retired from Fruit of the Loom, Inc. and former owner of the Somerset Refinery. Mr. Hibbard was also a WWII Veteran having served in the United States Army.
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Mr. Charles Walter Hibbard of Campbellsville, Kentucky, departed this life on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at his home. He was 90 years, two months and one day of age.

The funeral services for Mr. Charles "Charlie" Walter Hibbard will be conducted at 10amCT., Saturday, October 15, 2011 at the Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home, 206 S. Main Street, Greensburg, KY, with burial to follow in the Greensburg Cemetery with full military honors conducted by the Marion County Veterans Honor Guard. Bro. Ashley Shuffett will be officiating. Visitation is requested from 3 until 8pmCt, Friday at the Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home and after 7 A.M., Saturday until time of the funeral services.

Pallbearers: South Summersville Baptist Church DeaconsHonorary Pallbearers, Senior Adult Sunday School Class, Dan Hedgespeth, and Gerald Altman.

Mr. Charles Walter Hibbard, Taylor Co., KY (1921-2011)

Mr. Charles Walter Hibbard of Campbellsville, Kentucky, son of the late Frank Hibbard and Eva Saylor Hibbard, was born on Thursday, August 11, 1921 in Manchester, Clay County, Kentucky and departed this life on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at his home. He was 90 years, 2 months and 1 day of age.

He had made a profession of faith in Christ and was a member of the South Summersville Baptist Church. He was retired from Fruit of the Loom, Inc. and former owner of the Somerset Refinery. Mr. Hibbard was also a WWII Veteran having served in the United States Army.

He united in marriage to Odema Bennett who preceded him in death on January 8, 2000.

Survivors include the following:
  • A son and daughter-in-law: Homer and Lynn Hibbard of Campbellsville, KY

  • A daughter: Kathleen Wise of Campbellsville, KY

  • Three grandchildren: Kevin Hibbard and his wife Jennifer of Greensburg, KY; Kristi Wise of Elizabethtown, KY; and Keith Wise and his wife Holly of Raywick, KY

  • Three sisters: Lois Day of Tyner, KY: Varie Hoyng of Ohio, and Daisy Saylor of Louisville, KY

  • Five great-grandchildren

  • One great-great-grandchild

  • A special caregiver

  • And a host of other relatives and friends
Mr. Hibbard was also preceded in death by three sons and a daughter; and three sisters.

The Cowherd and Parrott Funeral Home, 206 S. Main Street, Greensburg, KY

This story was posted on 2011-10-14 17:51:35
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Charles Walter Hibbard, Green Co., KY (1921-2011

2011-10-14 - 206 S. Main ST, Greensburg, KY - Photo from Cowherd & Parrott Funeral Home.
Charles Walter Hibbard, Green Co., KY (1921-2011

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