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Lois Cunningham comments on wet/dry

Comments re article 47523 Tiffany Kessler Against legal sale of alcoholic beverages

Lois Cunningham writes:
I agree that there are probably not enough people in Adair County who will stand up and agree that alcohol should be sold here. But a lot of those same people drive to Sims or Bowling Green and buy their alcohol; they may be even foolish enough to go to the local bootlegger and pay their prices. it is a mindset which says , "As long as no one else knows, it is ok." If you would admit that having a drink with dinner, or a bottle of beer while watching football is something you do and enjoy, wouldn't we all be more honest with ourselves and with everyone else too. - LOIS CUNNINGHAM
Thanks. A clarification on what I think. I think there are more than enough people to vote for a change in the law. What I think is that leaders don't lead when they should. Change seems to happen only when we, the people, demand it. I personally think that a vote would change the law here. I think a vote should be taken. I don't think it will make so much difference in consumption, or local taxes directly collected, but I do think it will have a dramatic positive effect on all restaurants here, both those who choose to sell alcoholic beverages and those who do not. -ED WAGGENER

This story was posted on 2011-10-13 10:37:09
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