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Bessie J. Elmore, Russell County, KY (1938-2011

She was a member of a very large, respected Jamestown, Russell County, KY, family, which included 14 siblings, 12 of whom survive. She leaves 8 direct living descendants. Mrs. Elmore was a homemaker

Bessie J. Elmore, 73, Woolridge Road, Jamestown, KY, died Tuesday, October 11, 2011, at 6:02amCT, Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at her residence.

The funeral will be at 3pmCT, Friday, October 14, 2011, at the H.E. Pruitt Memory Chapel, 201 North Main Street, Jamestown, KY, with Bro. Bobby Conner officiating. Burial will be in the Jamestown Cemetery, Jamestown, KY. Visitation will be after 10amCT, at the funeral home.

Bessie J. Elmore, Russell County, KY (1938-2011)

Bessie J. Elmore was born June 4, 1938, in Jamestown, Russell County, KY. She was the daughter of the late Joe Bell and the late Lucille Brown Bell. She died Tuesday, October 11, 2011 in Jamestown, Russell County, KY, at the age of 73 years, 6 months, and 7 days.

She was a homemaker.She is survived by the following:
  • One son: Terry Elmore, Jamestown, Ky

  • One daughter: Theresa Sells, Livingston, TN

  • Six brothers: J.D. Bell, Roger Bell, Eddie Bell, and Andy Bell, all of Jamestown, KY; Kenneth bell, Russell Springs, KY; and Phillip Bell, Elizabethtown, KY

  • Six sisters: Dorothy Wesley, Janice Vine, mary Brown, Rita Guffey, Ann Ray, and Christine Norris, all of Jamestown, KY

  • Three grandchildren

  • Three great grandchildren
She was preceded in death by one sister, Alma Jones.

The H.E. Pruitt Memory Chapel, 201 N. Main Street, Jamestown, KY in charge of arrangements.

This story was posted on 2011-10-12 20:52:15
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