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KSP Post 15 Golden Alert: 55 year old man missing

UPDATE: Opened 11:02amCT: from Kentucky State Police. Mr. Bell has been located and appears to be well. -KSP Dispatcher Tammy Wheeler.
Posted 11:01amCT, Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Casey County Man last seen in Campbellsville on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011
COLUMBIA, KY - Kentucky State Police, Post 15 is currently investigating a missing person complaint. Thomas Bell from Casey County, is 55 years of age, has a pre-existing brain injury, and suffers from seizures as a result thereof. He was last seen in Campbellsville, October 04, 2011. State Emergency Operations Command has been notified regarding the Golden Alert. Mr. Bell is a white male, 6'00", 200 lbs. and was last seen wearing a military Navy ball cap, a navy blue long sleeve button up shirt, and black cargo pants. Additionally, Mr. Bell wears a medical information necklace. He was dropped off at the Dollar Store in Campbellsville and was supposed to ride his silver bicycle back to 1168 Roley Road near the Adair, Taylor, and Casey County lines. He has not been seen since approximately 5:00 o'clock last night. Anyone with information concerning Thomas Bell's whereabouts is asked to contact the Kentucky State Police at 270-384-4796. - TFC BILLY GREGORY, Public Affairs Officer, Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY

This story was posted on 2011-10-05 11:01:04
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