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LWC/Camp Casey, offer special classes for parents

By Dana Harmon
Director of Camp Casey

In an effort to assist the adult family members of our students, we have teamed up with Lindsey Wilson College to bring a series of informational and educational opportunities to our after school program. Below is a list of these activities and the dates for each. Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend them all! There is no charge to attend these classes.

The classes will be offered at Col. Wm. Casey Elementary on the following dates.

October 5, 2011, 4pm-5pmCT Free Career Assessment at Colonel Wm. Casey Elementary School, 220 Gen. John Adair Drive, Columbia, KY. Staff will administer the Keirsey Temperament Sorter for organizational, career and personal development. This is a self-assessed personality questionnaire designed to help people better understand themselves and others and will help you learn what skills you possess and will also help guide your career path.

November 2, 2011, 4pm-5pmCT, at Colonel Wm. Casey Elementary School, 220 Gen. John Adair Drive, Columbia, KY Staff will discuss how to format traditional resumes as well as develop a text resume for internet job searches. This will assist you in finding a job or in obtaining a better job. Learn what employers are looking for and how to present your skills in writing to compete in today's job market

December 7, 2011, 4pm-5pmCT, at Colonel Wm. Casey Elementary School, 220 Gen. John Adair Drive, Columbia, KY Social Media Tools--Staff will discuss and demonstrate how to navigate the top social media tools for parents and children. With students becoming tech savvy at increasingly younger ages, adult family members are encouraged to keep up in order to ensure their safety on the web. Adults will learn how these media tools can also help them to network responsibly with family, friends and potential employers.

February 1, 2012, 4pm-5pmCT, at Colonel Wm. Casey Elementary School, 220 Gen. John Adair Drive, Columbia, KY Internet Safety Night. An important session for parents and guardians of school age children to be made aware of Adult Learning Opportunity.

March 7, 2012, 4pm-5pmCT, at Colonel Wm. Casey Elementary School, 220 Gen. John Adair Drive, Columbia, KY. Leadership and Volunteerism 101 - Participants will learn more about the importance of volunteering in your school and community; and why it is important to become involved in activities promoting student leadership; why today's colleges and universities look at prospective student's community volunteerism and involvement to determine scholarship and admission. Also discover why students perform better in school when a parent is involved in the activities at their school.
Offered by Lindsey Wilson College Career Services, Civic Engagementthe very real dangers on the Internet and how to help keep kids safe at school and at home. With more young children using the Internet as a learning tool than ever before, there are more opportunities for predators to gain access to our children. Find out how you can help teach your children responsible use and how to protect them from harm.If you have any questions about these learning opportunities, please contact Ms. Dana @ 384-3367 or email me at

This story was posted on 2011-10-05 05:03:02
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