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Last call for Garden Club Apple Butter and Cinnamon Rolls

Columbia/Adair County Downtown Days are October 7-8, 2011

By Melewi

Last call, for making an order for Garden Club apple butter and Barb's great big, very good cinnamon rolls.

If you would like to have the cinnamon rolls delivered to your office on Friday, October 7, 2011, we need to know by Wednesday morning October 5, 2011.

The price for the rolls are: $2.75 each or a tray of 6-$12.00. Delivery is free. You will also be able to purchase these at our booth at Downtown Days in the food court. You need to get there early to get one. Call Barbara Armitage at 270-250-2979 to order Cinnamon Rolls.

If you want to make an order for the apple butter it has to be today, Monday, October 3, 2011. We have been selling a lot of the sugar-free. I had to make a third batch last night to fill the orders that have come in. When you order you can pick them up at Down Town days. We will be selling the apple butter at our food booth at Down Town days and we will let you sample it.

The prices this year are as follows:
  • 1/2 pint jars regular $2.50-this size is great for giving for gifts
  • 1/2 pints sugar free-$3.00
  • Pint jars of regular-$4.50
All of the apples were grown locally. and purchased at the Adair County Farmers Market.Call Maury Lewis at 634-2092 to make orders for the apple butter. - Melewi

This story was posted on 2011-10-03 08:04:12
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