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Charles (Sparky) Sparks name added to Fallen Firefighters Memorial

Several from Adair County attended the ceremony, including Mike Glasgow, Chris Bragg, Donald Hare, Chad Wheet, Justin Bailey, William Grider, and Tammy and Trent Sparks

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By Donald Hare, Public Affair Officer

Columbia/Adair County Fire Department

Firefighters from across the state convened in Frankfort on Wednesday, September 28 at 11amET to honor comrades who have died in the line of duty. The tribute began with the sixth annual Red Helmets ride at 9amET, at the Frankfort Fire and EMS Station #3, followed by a memorial service at Juniper Hills Park, 800 Louisville Road, Frankfort, entrance, at the Fallen Firefighters Memorial.

"We appreciate the bravery of each of these men and women. They sacrificed their lives to protect others - nothing is more courageous," said Ronnie Day, executive director of the Kentucky Fire Commission.

Kentucky's Fallen Firefighter Memorial was erected October 11, 1999 and has more than 200 names of firefighters who have died in the line of duty. This year, seven additional names were added to the memorial, Including our Charles Sparks. Several members of the Columbia-Adair County Fire Department attended the ceremony and I have attached photos of the memorial. -DONALD HARE

This story was posted on 2011-10-03 04:50:16
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Charles (Sparky) Sparks honored at Fallen Firefighters Memorial

2011-10-03 - Entrance to 800 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY - Photo by Donald Hare.
Firefighters from Adair County, KY and from across the state convened in Frankfort on Wednesday, September 28 at 11amET to honor comrades who have died in the line of duty. The tribute began with the sixth annual Red Helmets ride at 9amET, at the Frankfort Fire and EMS Station #3, followed by a memorial service at Juniper Hills Park, 800 Louisville Road, Frankfort, entrance ), at the Fallen Firefighters Memorial. The ceremony honored the latest inscription, for Charles "Sparky" Sparks, who suffered a subsequently fatal heart attack while fighting a fire in Garlin, KY.

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Inscription honors Charles (Sparky) Sparks: Frankfort, KY

2011-10-03 - Fallen Firefighters Memorial, entrance to 800 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY - Photo by Donald Hare.
Firefighters from Columbia/Adair County and from across the state were in Frankfort, Wednesday, September 28, 2011, to honor Charles (Sparky) Sparks, and other Kentucky Fallen Firefighters, and to mark the inscription of Charles Sparks name on the memorial.

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