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Outstanding event put on by Green County for Dakota Meyer

Writer encourages everyone to come to the October 2, 2011 event at Blue Raider Stadium when it's Columbia/Adair's turn to honor most famous native son

By Victoria Pike

What a wonderful ceremony in Greensburg for Dakota Meyer, Saturday.

I attended and was very impressed. Governor Steve Beshear, Senate President David Williams, Senator Mitch MCConnell, Brett Guthrie, and David Given were in attendance.

I hope everyone will come out to Blue Raider Stadium, 820 Hanley Lane, Columbia, KY, October 2, 2011 for the Columbia event to honor Dakota Meyer.

After seeing 60 minutes last night, I now have an even better understanding of exactly what happened on that terrible night in September of 2009.

He is truly a remarkable young man to have lived through such a terrible ordeal. We all need to go out and show our appreciation to this humble young man for all that he has done for this country.

Thanks you so much to all those on the committee planning this most special event. -Victoria Pike

This story was posted on 2011-09-19 14:21:38
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