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DAKOTA MEYER: Natasha Rosenstock at White House for

Natasha Rosenstock (Nadel) was notified report to the White House Northwest Entrance today to receive her credentials as the media representative for, Columbia, KY at the Medal of Honor Presentation ceremony today.

Natasha is the daughter of Mary Keltner of Gradyville, KY, and a contributing writer for .

While we'll have her account of the ceremony in addition other Adair Countians' news shared from the scene, we don't want anyone to anticipate a personal interview today. "I talked to Captain Schultz at the USMC public affairs office. He said Dakota Meyer declined any interviews for today and the rest of theweek, but considering the connection, they will ask him and someonewill get back to me. They also said it would help that I'll be at theWhite House," Natasha posts from Washington, D.C.

This story was posted on 2011-09-15 09:23:11
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