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Class of 1983 Members invited to the Mega ACHS Reunion

Biggest Adair County High School Reunion Ever! Seven Classes!
Mega ACHS reunion 1981-1987 at Lure Lodge, June 3-5, 2011.
Click to Printable Online registration form. Deadline for Registrations, April 23, 2011.
Class Lists : Click on year for all the members of the Class of 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987.

By Marian Cole Grant

The members of the Adair County High School Class of 1983 are listed below. We need the help of all to help make this the best reunion ever. Lists of graduates in 1981-1987 are being printed.:

Class of 1983

Alice Akin; Dewey Anderson; Carla Arnold Perkins; Cassie Arnold; Rebecca Asberrry; Lisa Bailey; Ricky Bailey; Reva Beard Taylor; Robert Bell; Bryan Blair; Kim Blair; Tracy Blair; Timmy Bricker; Kevin Brockman; Neil Brockman; Dennis Brown; James Alan Brown; Sharlene Brown; Rodney Burris;

Alesia Burton Arnold; Diana Burton; Gwen Burton; Twyla Burton Holt; Darlene Campbell; Ricky Cape; Joe Chapman; Kenny Clark; Lisa coffey; Roger Coffey; Kevin Cole; Bridget Coomer; David Coomer; John Coomer; Sandra Corbin Wilson; Tammy Corbn; Timmy Corbin; Teresa Cowan Rowe; Joey Curry;

Lou Ann Curry; Renee Curry; Vickie Jo Denton Kemp; Stacey Durham; Karen England; Teresa England ; Greg Feese; Pam Feese Hale; Teresa Finney; Cynthia Floyd; Sheila Forsee; Angela Franklin; Eddie Franklin; Wendell Froedge; Gary Frost; Terrie Fudge Bryant; Adan Gentry; Jennifer Giles Ferguson; Jerry Giles;

Sandra Goode; Shannon Goodin; Ann Gowen; Anthony Dale Grant; Sherry Grant Wilson; Tony D. Grant; Cathy Graves; Chris Green; Collene Green; Jackie Grider; James Grider; Lisa Grider; Tony Grider; Lisa Hadley Cowan; Patricia Hadley Jackson; Tammy Hadley; Teresa Hadley; Vanessa Harden; Carolyn Harmon; Kim Harvey Helm; Theresa Hayes; Joyce Holmes; Marissa Holmes; Lanny Holt;

Billy Horton; Merlin Huff; David Hutchison; LaDon Hurt; Bonnie Knifley; Teresa Janes; Teddy Johnson; Sharon Karnes; Daniel Keen; Lisa Grider; Karen Kerr; Tommy Key; Briann Legg Eastridge; Susan Long; Cindy Loy; Michael Loy; Jimmy Luttrell; Rita Luttrell; Gary McGaha;

Chris Maurath; Terry Melton; Dwight Miller; Jeff Miller; Sheri Miller Hutchison; Karen Moore Page; Robbie Morrison; Jo Ann Neat; Ricky Neat; Sandra Neat; Sandy Norris Mckinney; Mike Ollery; Kim Parson; Sharon Payne; Lisa Peckinpaugh; John Pendleton; Nancy Piercy; Larry Phillips; Judy Powell;

Zane Powell; Jim Price; Danny Pyles; Vickie Reliford Houk; Stacey Robinson; Lesha Rogers Breeding; Michael Rooks; Steve Rooks; Anita Rowe Vanarsdale; Pat Rowe; Renee Rowe; Carla Roy; Tim Roy; Rosemary Sexton; Stephen Skaggs; Donna Smith; Jennifer Smith; Sheila Smith Willis; Todd Smith;

Jamie Sparks Maurath; Marsh Spoon; Karen Streeval; Ruth Strohmeier Rock; Melissa Stone; Tammy Sullivan; Glendall Thrasher; Arthur Turner; Patrick Turner; Joe Vanarsdale; Milton Vaughn; Tim Vaughn; Matthew Veatch; Angela Walker Hoke; Leigh Ann Walker Parkinson; Lisa Ann Walters; Robert Wethington; Annette Wheeler Rowe; Patty Wheeler;

Theresa Willis; Patty Wilson; Laurie Winslade Dunbar; Jeffrey Woodrum; Todd Wooldridge; Ellen Yarberry; Rhonda York;

This story was posted on 2011-03-23 10:13:11
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