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ACGC gets additional help to step up suet ball production

Getting ready for the Great Backyard Bird Count, February 18-21, 2011: Adair County Garden Club (ACGC) suet balls are available at the Adair County Public Library, 307 Greensburg ST, Columbia, KY, or from any club member
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By Barbara Armitage
News from the Adair Co. Garden Club

The Adair County Garden Club's Gourmet Suet Balls have been such a hit with the birds and the people who feed the birds the members decided that we needed to increase our production in order to meet demand.

That means that all volunteers need to step up and help - including Jake at work in the accompanying photo.

Jake the suet guard dog has taken his job so seriously he's had to move his quilt to his work location so that he can - if necessary -nap on the job.

The ACGC human volunteers render (a process of melting and filtering) the suet before it can be made into our Gourmet Suet Balls. In between each step pots of the melted suet must be cooled and setting it out on the porch is a good way to do this. It is important to have a guard because the smell can attract no account lazy creatures like Baby Cat, in accompanying photo, who just might want a little taste.

Baby Cat is lucky to even get a sniff with Jake on duty.

Treat your birds to an ACGC Gourmet Suet Ball. Suet Balls are available at the Adair County Library or from any ACGC member. Call Barbara Armitage at (270) 250-2979 for more information. One pound Suet Balls are $3.00 each with 100% of the proceeds supporting the Adair County Garden Club's birding and gardening projects in Adair County.

This story was posted on 2011-01-15 11:30:11
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The Great Bull Run Suet Ball Factory gets added security

2011-01-15 . The Farm at Tucker's Station, Columbia, KY
Photo by Barbara Armitage
Jake the suet guard dog has taken his job so seriously he's had to move his quilt to his work location so that he can - if necessary -nap on the job. Using the old "I'm just sitting here minding my own business, grooming ploy," Baby Cat feigns innocence, never revealing the feline felony she's apt to commit, were it not for Jake. Suet production is in high gear now, in preparation for the upcoming Great Backyard Bird Count, February 18-21, 2011. Suet is available from any Adair County Garden Club member or their GBBC partner, the Adair County Library, 307 Public Square, Columbia, KY.

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