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Poem for Winter Solstice: The Adair County Way

Robert Stone wrote new lyrics for old carols in 1991. This one goes along with "The Adair County Way."
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The Adair County Way
A poem for the Winter Solstice by Robert Stone
Good rest be yours, O gentlefolk,
let nothing bring dismay.
Remember peace and love are strong
upon the earth today
Because you seek to serve each one
whose hope has gone astray
With a greeting of comfort and hope,
comfort and hope,
With a greeting of comfort and hope.

Now join together giving thanks
all you within this place.
In truly loving fellowship
each other now embrace
Because 'tis now when goodly hearts
the paths of need retrace
With a greeting of comfort and hope,
comfort and hope,
With a greeting of comfort and hope.

A long and fruitful life be yours,
each kindly person here,
And many days of happiness
and never any fear
Because you go without delay
to those both far and near
With a greeting of comfort and hope,
comfort and hope,
With a greeting of comfort and hope.

- Robert Stone, 1991
(Tune: God rest you, merry)Carols for the Winter SolsticeNew Words for Old Tunes
These new carols were done at the suggestion of Mr. Lee Mackey.

To read the latest previous poetry by Robert Stone, click to

This story was posted on 2010-12-23 10:39:31


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