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Unsolicited thoughts: Old paving
should be removed, ground, reused

About: Scenic Kentucky: Tree lined street in Shelbyville, KY Photo by Pen

By Rickie Williams

Something else to be noted from the photograph other than the fact that it is a one-way street is that the street has been prepped for paving the way many/most streets around Columbia are NEVER done. The street has been ground...meaning removing several layers of old asphalt.

The old asphalt can supposedly be mixed with new material and reused...if not on a heavily travelled street, then on driveways and parking lots. Otherwise, like paint work, a paving job in my opinion is no better than what it is being placed over.

I am sure that the extra labor cost is initally expensive, but what about the long term benefits of having a higher quality job?

Also, I think that when houses undergo a re-roof by means of tearing off the old shingles...the old shingles ought to be ground up (magnets will pull the nails out of the ground up shingles) and mixed with new material in order to conserve new paving material...again, if not sufficient for streets, then certainly good enough for parking lots and driveways.

Just my unsolicited thoughts. -Rickie Williams

This story was posted on 2010-09-24 12:53:19
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