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100 years ago: (nearly) all the news that was fit to print

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By "Jim"

Spicy tidbits of all sorts -- a heart breaking elopement, new telephone lines, an up-to-date dinner, jubilation at the announcement of a native son, singings, spellings, protracted meetings, and a very black eye, among other things -- filled the community newsletters of the September 21, 1910 Adair County News.


The pie supper at the school in our city last Saturday night was very well attended and a nice time prevailed.

Mr. John Campbell, the popular grocery drummer, was in our midst last Friday.

The protracted services commenced at Union last Friday night. The prospects are good for a great revival.

Mr. James Reatherford and Miss Ada Kemp eloped to the good old state of Tennessee last Saturday night where they were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. (See similar entry and note under the Pyrus heading, below.)


Miss Annie Robertson was at Coburg last week.

Mrs. Mary Robertson visited at G.C. Russell's Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Weatherford have returned home from Illinois. They will make this their future home.

The moon light party at Mr. B.W. Cundiff's was largely attended from [the] neighborhood and all report a nice time.

Born, to the wife of R.A. Cooley, Sept. 13, a son.


W.G. Pickett and C.W. Dudley attended the State Fair last week. (There were several mentions in the various community newsletters of folks attending the Fair.)

Ward Kemp and wife of Carroll county, Mo, are visiting relatives here for a few days.

The singing at Pickett chapel was very well attended last Sunday, conducted by Prof. T.B. Finn.

September 10, 1910 being Mrs. Fonce Burress' fifty-first birthday, and her husband and children gave her an up-to-date dinner that was enjoyed fine by everyone present. There were 55 there and they had a swell dinner. There were eight cakes and six chickens, but the finest of all they had four gallons of ice cream....

Gentry's Mill

The Sunday School at Pleasant Point church is progressing nicely since Rev. C.C. Gentry was appointed superintendent. He is a great worker in the Sunday School.

Leach brothers, of Sano, are seeking their fortune somewhere in the solar region.

The blood hounds belonging to J.J. Helton, of Sano, are doing a capital business for he reports more calls than he can handle.

A series of meetings just closed at Union Chapel. It was conducted by Rev. Joe Turner with but little work done for the Lord.


Tobacco cutting is the order of the day in our community.

Mr. George Keltner attended the [old soldiers'] reunion at Weed last week.

A very sad circumstance took place in our neighborhood last Saturday night. Miss Auier Kemp, daughter of Mr. Squire Kemp, eloped to Tennessee with Jim Redeford, who had worked for Mr. Kemp for two years. Her home folks had never dreamed of such. Sunday morning they called for her and on investigating found that she had escaped early Saturday night. her father, mother, brothers and sisters were heart broken.

>(Miss Kemp (her given name is variously interpreted as Alna in the 1900 Adair County census; as Aina, Elna, etc., in the Ky. birth record index; and as Aina in the Ky. death record index and on her gravemarker) had turned 18 in June before taking the matrimonial leap later in the summer. Most records, including the Ky. death record index, the Social Security death index, and gravemarker, give newlyweds' surname as Reliford. The family's heartbreak notwithstanding, the marriage lasted just a few months short of 65 years. Mr. Reliford crossed the river on April 16, 1975, the day after his 91st birthday, and Mrs. Reliford passed on June 7th of the same year, six days past her 83rd birthday. Their mortal remains were interred in the Tarter Chapel cemetery, there to repose side by side in sleep eternal.)

Several from our community attended the children's day at Gradyville last Sunday. All reported a good time and plenty of dinner on the ground to accommodate the crowd.

Mr. Charlie Diddle, our teacher , has a larger enrollment of scholars this year than ever before. This shows Mr. Charlie is teaching us a good school.

Mrs. G.D. Vance is on the sick list.

Mrs. Finis Finn is very low with consumption.


Sorghum making is the order of the day.

W.W. Brockman sold to John Holladay three steers at $4.05 per hundred.

Miss Bershba Holladay, of Kansas, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity.

Mr. John Brockman and sister Miss Tina, returned home from the Mammoth Cave last Sunday.


Messrs. Robt. Wilborn and Edd Lee Grider, have bought a saw and grist mill and are erecting it at this place.

Two new neighborhood telephone lines have been built to this place this summer. The first connects this place with Fairplay and Breeding. Recently a line has been completed connecting this place with lines traversing Crocus and Harrodsfork creeks.

Dr. Wm. Blair who was seriously hurt in falling from his barn loft a few weeks ago, has about recovered.

There was universal rejoicing here when it was learned that Jim Garnett, had announced for Attorney General. This part of the county [will] roll him up a big vote. (Mr. Garnett was indeed elected as Kentucky Attorney General, but not in 1910; he served 1912-1915.)

Mr. Doonor Grant and daughter, of Oklahoma, who have been visiting relatives in this vicinity for some time, returned home last week.


An excess of rain in this part of the county is causing Irish potatoes and beans to rot and corn to sprout in the shock. The high waters caused a lot of damage to corn as it reached the ear in the low lands.

On account of some misunderstanding the spoke mill was closed for a few days last week.

Mr. D.J. Bowen is doing a good business with his wheat mill. He grinds wheat 2 and three days in a week.

It seems like the pike from here to Wilson's Creek is on a stand. Gentlemen, winter will be here soon when it will take 2 dollars to take the place of one dollar now while the weather is good.

Mrs. Henrietta Hancock visited her daughter, Mrs. J.J. Humphress, several days of last week.


Notwithstanding the inclement weather, the spelling at Independence last Thursday night was a success. Ten schools were represented and all spelled well.

While witnessing a game of ball between the Chestnut Grove and Sparksville teams at Breeding last Saturday, J.M. Campbell was accidentally struck with a ball, and a result he now wears a very black eye.

Miss Mary Cooley Wooten, of Sparksville, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Wooten, of this place, this week.
And finally, from a front page ad for Russell's Grocery (phone 92):
Special prices Thursday, Friday and Saturday:

Acme flour - sack 85c; 100 lbs $3.20.
Snowdrift lard, 14c.
Soda (loose), 2 lbs for 5c.
Soda, 3 pkgs. for 10c.
Best fat bacon, 17c.
Best white sugar, 6 1/2c.
Soap -- 6 bars Red Letter, 25c; 7 bars Old Mill, 25c.
"Jim" is a regular contributor, a genuine authority on things 100 years ago in Adair and Russell Counties, as well as being the acknowledged authority on history relative the the Sacred Triangle encompassed by Sano, One, and Esto, The Golden Buckle on the Bible Belt. A man of Jeffersonian intellectual capacity and curiosity, "Jim" would probably have known all there was to know had the world stopped in 1959 or 60. However, a lot not worth knowing, much of it the cause of today's Information Overload, has happened since. -CM. To read his next earlier piece in the paper, see 100 years ago: important news from around the county

This story was posted on 2010-09-19 11:59:56
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The Garnett House and its owner, Judge James Garnett

2010-09-19 - Photo Collage from CM file photos. 300 block, Campbellsville ST, Columbia, KY
Judge James Garnett, father of the one-time Attorney General of Kentucky, was one of the truly great heroes of Adair County History. He lost the use of his right hand in an act of heroism when the Bank of Columbia was robbed in 1876 and learned to write with his left. This house, above, left, belonged to Judge James Garnett and later to his daughter Jennie Garnett, and was located within a few hundred yards of the town square in Columbia at the turn of the last century. While the house no longer exists, one feature in the picture above does give a hint to the location-- the bridge over the creek, which can still be seen on Campbellsville Street. The picture is from a small biography, "Judge James Garnett" by James Garnett II, self published, Louisville, 1934. An item in today's 100 Years ago (more or less) refers to Judge Garnett's son's race for attorney general of Kentucky..

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