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100 Years Ago: The Great Amandaville Revival

"Jim" came across this jewel while researching another article, and, seeing its appropriateness for Wednesday, the traditional Prayer Meeting Night in the Sacred Triangle of Sano-Ono-Esto, the golden buckle of the Bible Belt and land of his youth in Russell County, he suggested it be posted post haste, today, Wednesday, September 15, 2010. Though one would never think of Amandaville as Sin Central, one has only to remember Peyton Place to know that all it all it may seem, on the surface, sometimes. -CM

By "Jim"
The entry which appears below was the closing segment of the Amandaville newsletter printed in the October 19, 1910 Adair County News. As an introduction: John and Ernest, the brothers Roberts, were Holiness preachers. Charles Brougher Jernigan, an early minister of this belief himself, mentioned the Roberts Boys, as he called them, in Pioneer Days of the Holiness Movement in the Southwest (1919). The first part of the last sentence specifically if indirectly refers to John and Ernest, bringers of salvation and harmony to Amandaville:
In the early days of Texas there lived a man by the name of John F. Roberts, and there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters. This man located in Wise county. In 1897 Mrs. Peppers and Mrs. Hogan began the first holiness meetings that this family had ever attended. Some of the boys were sanctified in this meeting, and one by one they swept into the experience, until the seven boys were all sanctified and called to preach. Two of them have gone around the world preaching, while some are pastors, some evangelists, and one is superintendent of a rescue home [for wayward girls].

The Great Amandaville Revival of 1910

The greatest revival meeting that was ever held in this part of the country was held last week in a large tent at Holy Grove near Bakerton by the two brothers John and Ernest Roberts and their wives, traveling evangelists, from Pilot Point, Texas.

They preached nine days, mornings and nights, had one hundred and eleven conversions an a great many backsliders renewed their allegiance to the Master and most all the old grudges between neighbors and church members fixed up, and everything is now moving along lovely and we trust that it will last.

These preachers have been traveling and preaching for the last twelve years and sure go at their work with a vim worthy of the cause. They have traveled and preached nearly all over the United States and a part of Japan and Africa. They report this is one of the most successful meeting they have ever held.

As an appreciation of their services in this community the people made them up two hundred and twenty-five dollars and asked them to come again at some time in the future.
To our knowledge, this record was not exceeded until sometime in the last two decades of the 20th century, when, according to Murrell Burton, more were saved in a protracted meeting at Lovedale, in Adair County. -EW

This story was posted on 2010-09-15 08:03:16
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